Most Australian households own a dog, but life is often busy and we may not take our furry best friend for a walk as often as we used to. Here is a reminder to think of your dog at the start (or the end) of the day and make the time to go for a quick walk!

Walking your dog

Have you walked your dog today?

Whether it is a quick 5 minute power walk around the block or a long stroll along a dog-friendly beach, getting your dog out of the house can help to make you both feel better! Kick the day off to a good start and catch the sunrise, get some fresh air and movement before you get into your day or make it a time to wind-down and ground yourself after a busy day.

Both you and your dog will feel more content and sleep better having been outside for a walk. By incorporating a walk into your routine you are contributing to better long-term health for both you and your dog. Dogs who get out and about for a walk regularly are happier, healthier, less prone to barking (or getting up to mischief while you are at work) and it can also save on vet bills down the track by preventing chronic health conditions.

Find a place to walk.

There is always somewhere to walk your dog, whether it be on a footpath, in a park or on a beach. Be creative and find different routes for variety and use it as a way of getting to know your community better. Meet up with a friend for a walk along your closest beach or river, take your dog for a walk to your local café or park or dog-friendly National Park.

Always keep a look out for local council signage to ensure you are following the regulations in the area. If you are unsure of where to go, search online or contact your local council to find out the location of your closest off-leash area. You might be surprised to find some new spots close by to explore! You know your dog best so make sure you choose a location which will also suit their age, ability and personality.

Walk smart.

After finding a suitable place to walk, it is important to be prepared and safe. Here are a few reminders to ensure you are taking care of yourself and your dog while walking outdoors:

  • Ensure you wear appropriate footwear and remember a hat
  • Always use a leash (unless in an off-leash area)
  • Ensure your dog is registered and microchipped
  • Keep up to date with vaccinations
  • Avoid the hottest part of the day
  • Bring water for you and your dog
  • Don't forget to take bags, scoop the poop

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