Our 662,170 members have logged a grand total of 407,236,906,851 steps!

Every step counts.

Challenge yourself, friends and workmates
to the 10,000 Steps program.

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10,0000 Steps Logo

10,000 Steps encourages Australians to increase their physical activity!

Run by the team at CQUniversity Australia since 2001, we're providing a free program to help you challenge yourself, friends and workmates to move more every day.

Get started with your free account

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But why 10,000 steps?

Sounds like a lot, but when you see it takes 500 steps to walk from the car park to the supermarket you're well on your way to hitting your goal. Reaching 10,000 steps every day will help you maintain a healthy lifestyle. Take a look at our Blog articles to learn more.

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Challenge Badge

Monthly Challenges

Choose a new challenge each month to help encourage you to move more and reach your goals.


Team Tournaments

Every step really does count when you are challenging friends or workmates to compete in team Tournaments.


Health Challenges

Be inspired by participating in a healthy lifestyle challenge focusing on weight loss, waist circumference loss and steps for a set period of time.

Find out more

We’ve taken the steps to help you

Save time and money by using the established, evidence-based resources available to 10,000 Steps Coordinators. Sign up to view our FREE resources to promote physical activity in your workplace or community.

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We're here to help

Our support section can help answer your question. Look at our FAQs.

Proven Results

Our members have been stepping it up. Read some of their success stories.


Be rewarded when you reach individual or team milestones and see how many badges you can collect!

10,000 Steps App

Keep your steps up-to-date by logging with the 10,000 Steps mobile app.

  • Log your steps and activity
  • View your step statistics over time
  • Track your progress in Challenges
  • View your Tournament Leaderboard
  • Apple Health integration on iOS
  • Available for iOS and Android devices