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Create a Culture of Physical Activity and Wellbeing Within Your Workplace

The 10,000 Steps Program provides a free, fun, and interactive behaviour change program so that workplaces, communities, and various groups can nurture social and physical environments that support active living and foster healthy people and healthy places. Physical activity is a complex behaviour that can be influenced by many factors; this is why 10,000 Steps was developed as a multi-strategy program.

10,000 Steps can be implemented within the physical activity and mental wellbeing component of your workplace's health and wellbeing strategy. 10,000 Steps has dedicated resources, tools, strategies, and engagement activities to support organisations to promote active living, and can also connect you with other supportive services within Queensland and South Australia!

Are you a community organisation or community group?

Visit 10,000 Steps for Communities

Why is Physical Activity Important in the Workplace?

More than half of adults are not meeting the recommended physical activity guidelines, resulting in an increased risk of chronic diseases and other health complications. With many adults spending 1/3 of their lives at work (often sitting), combined with sedentary social activities, it is little wonder that adults are moving less. Supportive programs and environments in workplaces can make it easier for individuals to sit less and be more active.

“People who are insufficiently active have a 20% to 30% increased risk of death compared to people who are sufficiently active.”

10,000 Steps in the Workplace

'10,000 steps' per day puts a focus on the accumulation of physical activity across the whole day, not just during organised sport and exercise. In workplaces, simple actions play a pivotal role in reducing sedentary behaviour and improving overall health and wellbeing, such as:

  • Walking meetings
  • Taking the stairs
  • Using a standing desk
  • Enjoying a walk during your lunch break
  • Walking or riding to work

By incorporating activity trackers or pedometers into daily routines, individuals can stay motivated and track improvements in their overall wellbeing and physical activity levels. Activity trackers also serve as reminders to get moving and achieve step count goals.

The benefits of increased physical activity in the workplace include:

  • Boosted team morale and productivity
  • Improved job satisfaction and team spirit
  • Reduced absenteeism and staff turnover
  • Reduced stress and ergonomic injuries
  • Reduced workers compensation claims

Being a workplace that promotes and supports physical activity may:

  • Improve your corporate image
  • Improve industrial relations
  • Increase your workplace's ability to attract and retain staff

Strategies for Workplaces

The flexible, online nature of many 10,000 Steps strategies are popular for workplaces that have multiple locations and shift times as it facilitates the connection of workers without requiring them to be at a specific location and time.

10,000 Steps offers an array of strategies for workplaces including:

  • Team Tournaments
  • Monthly Challenges
  • Health Challenges
  • Promotional Materials

Our most popular strategy for workplaces is the fun and exciting team Tournaments. In fact 80% of our members sign up to participate in team Tournaments.

A 10,000 Steps Tournament is a free and interactive tool that promotes and enhances health and wellbeing within the workplace. A Tournament involves forming teams, wearing pedometers or activity trackers, tracking steps on the 10,000 Steps website or app, integrating activity and movement into everyday life and embracing a (healthy and supportive) competitive spirit.

Alongside running a team Tournament, workplaces can also implement culture change strategies to support their employees to become more physically active and enhance their health and wellbeing.

To assist you in making informed decisions, we have provided a concise overview of the recommended 10,000 Steps strategies based on the different levels of capacity required.

10,000 Steps Strategy Options Final

Get Started Now!

To get started, register your organisation with 10,000 Steps.

The 10,000 Steps Program has developed into one of Australia’s largest, longest running, and most recognised community health promotion projects, and has successfully been implemented in over 19,000 organisations. Regardless of the size, location, or industry of your organisation, the 10,000 Steps Program can be tailored to accommodate and cater to your organisation’s unique circumstances and requirements.

Each organisation nominates a Coordinator who is responsible for implementing 10,000 Steps strategies in the community. You may have one main Coordinator or multiple Coordinators who work together (e.g., A local council may have a representative from Parks, Sport and Recreation, Marketing, or Human Resources).

Coordinators have exclusive access to a wide range of tools and resources designed to support workplaces in implementing 10,000 Steps strategies and coordinating team Tournaments and Health Challenges. This includes evidence-based guides, templates, graphics, step-by-step action lists, and more!

Get started by registering your organisation with 10,000 Steps

Register your organisation