2023.04 Major Notice:
Version 4.8.5 has now moved to Legacy Mobile App. This means that Support is limited for this version and earlier versions, and that the app may crash at any time. Please update to the latest version of the 10,000 Steps mobile app for new features and up-to-date Support.
On This Page:
View Step Statistics via Legacy App
1. Ensure you are logged in and on the Home screen.

2. Select the Statistics icon.

3. View your step statistics.

4. Select the Daily Graph button.
The Daily Graph shows your steps for each day in the last month.

5. Select the timeframe.
By selecting the top right hand corner, you can view month or year.
Select Done when you have chosen or Cancel to return to your current view.

6. Select the back (<) arrow to go back to Statistics.

7. Select the Monthly Graph button.
This enables you to view your steps for each month in the last year.

8. Select the year in the top right hand corner to change the year in view.
Select Done when you have chosen or Cancel to return to your current view.

9. Select the back (<) arrow to go back to Statistics.

10. Select Home to go back to the Home screen.