
Registration for 10,000 Steps Members and Organisations is currently open to everyone, with free access to our Program.

This includes:

  • Personal Dashboard - Step Log and Step Goal management
  • Step Log history, including daily, weekly, monthly, annual, and lifetime tracking and achievements.
  • Weight and Waist Log and history
  • Daily Reminders and customisable app reminders
  • 10,000 Steps Annual Community Leaderboard ranking
  • Friends and Friends Leaderboard
  • Groups, Group Leaderboards and Group Challenges
  • Monthly Challenges and Monthly Challenge history
  • Tournament Team Member and Team Captain participation and history
  • Coordinator Hub registration and Tournament creation
  • Health Challenge participation and history
  • Online Support guides and Troubleshooting
  • Learn and Discover blog

Queensland and South Australian Members and Organisations have premium access to our Program and features, including premium Support, premium interactive features, and tailored communication via advanced email automations.

Members and Organisations outside Queensland and South Australia are welcome to use our program, but unfortunately our Program does not have resourcing that allows us to offer premium access and support. Please see more information below.

Updates to 10,000 Steps Support

We are operating on reduced capacity for general Support. From August 1st, 2024, Support will be limited to online Support pages for members and organisations outside our premium access (Queensland and South Australia).

The benefit of this path means no loss of access to the 10,000 Steps Program for members outside of these states, and no Membership fees in 2024.

For participants in Tournaments, this means you will need to contact the Coordinator at your organisation for support. For Coordinators, this means you may need to provide more support for participating members.

All members retain access to our comprehensive online Support pages.

Our key Tournament support areas:

Technical issues can still be reported through Contact Us.

If you'd like to see more features and support in your area, please reach out to your local health organisations, physical activity groups, and politicians and encourage them to fund delivery of 10,000 Steps in your state or territory.

Please see below for information specific to your location.


In Queensland, we support over 195,000 members and over 5,600 organisations with funding from our fantastic partner Health and Wellbeing Queensland.

For Queensland members and organisations, we are excited to offer priority support, Coordinator features, and new features for workplaces and community members.

Check out Queensland Resources, or please reach out if you'd like to find out more.

South Australia

In South Australia, we support over 41,500 members and over 1,200 organisations with funding from our fantastic partner Preventive Health SA.

For South Australia members and organisations, we are excited to offer priority support, Coordinator features, and new features for workplaces and community members. See our Resources for South Australia, or reach out if you'd like to find out more.

See also 10,000 Steps in Different Time Zones for information about the time zones we use.

New South Wales

As of June 2024, we have over 112,000 members and over 3,400 organisations based in New South Wales. New South Wales is not funded for delivery of the 10,000 Steps program, and we can only offer limited 10,000 Steps services at this time.

Support Funded Delivery of 10,000 Steps in New South Wales

If you'd like to see expanded services, more free features, and support in New South Wales, reach out below to encourage funded delivery of 10,000 Steps for your state!

Your state may also have existing programs and features available that fit your needs.


As of June 2024, we have over 142,000 members and over 3,700 organisations based in Victoria. Victoria is not funded for delivery of the 10,000 Steps program, and we can only offer limited 10,000 Steps services at this time.

Support Funded Delivery of 10,000 Steps in Victoria

If you'd like to see expanded services, more free features, and support in Victoria, reach out below to encourage funded delivery of 10,000 Steps for your state!

Your state may also have existing programs and features available that fit your needs.

Western Australia

As of June 2024, we have over 27,000 members and over 900 organisations based in Western Australia. Western Australia is not funded for delivery of the 10,000 Steps program, and we can only offer limited 10,000 Steps services at this time.

Support Funded Delivery of 10,000 Steps in Western Australia

If you'd like to see expanded services, more free features, and support in Western Australia, reach out below to encourage funded delivery of 10,000 Steps for your state!

Your state may also have existing programs and features available that fit your needs.

Northern Territory

As of June 2024, we have over 12,000 members and over 240 organisations based in the Northern Territory. The Northern Territory is not funded for delivery of the 10,000 Steps program, and we can only offer limited 10,000 Steps services at this time.

Support Funded Delivery of 10,000 Steps in the Northern Territory

If you'd like to see expanded services, more free features, and support in the Northern Territory, reach out below to encourage funded delivery of 10,000 Steps for the Northern Territory!

The Northern Territory may also have existing programs and features available that fit your needs.


As of June 2024, we have over 12,000 members and over 300 organisations based in Tasmania. Tasmania is not funded for delivery of the 10,000 Steps program, and we can only offer limited 10,000 Steps services at this time.

Support Funded Delivery of 10,000 Steps in Tasmania

If you'd like to see expanded services, more free features, and support in Tasmania, please reach out below to encourage funded delivery of 10,000 Steps for your state!

Your state may also have existing programs and features available that fit your needs.

Australian Capital Territory

As of June 2024, we have over 18,000 members and over 400 organisations based in the Australian Capital Territory. The Australian Capital Territory is not funded for delivery of the 10,000 Steps program, and we can only offer limited 10,000 Steps services at this time.

Support Funded Delivery of 10,000 Steps in the Australian Capital Territory

If you'd like to see expanded services, more free features, and support in the Australian Capital Territory, reach out below to encourage funded delivery of 10,000 Steps for the Australian Capital Territory!

The ACT may also have existing programs and features available that fit your needs.

10,000 Steps Outside of Australia

As of June 2024, we have over 99,000 members and over 3,600 organisations based outside of Australia. Members and organisations outside of Australia are not funded for delivery of the 10,000 Steps program, and we can only offer limited 10,000 Steps services at this time.

Support Funded Delivery of 10,000 Steps Outside of Australia

If you'd like to see expanded services, more free features, and support outside of Australia, please reach out to your local health, sports, or recreation ministers to encourage funded delivery of 10,000 Steps in your part of the world!

10,000 Steps in Different Time Zones

Please be aware, 10,000 Steps is based in Central Queensland, Australia, and our website and mobile app features are set to Australian Eastern Standard Time. See What time is AEST for me? (

The time zone of your location may impact your entry of steps by day. Our Challenges and Tournaments start and end at midnight AEST, which should be taken into account by Coordinators when setting up international and inter-state tournaments.


See program information, troubleshooting and guides on using 10,000 Steps.
See Support