10,000 Steps takes the privacy of its members very seriously and as such you can choose what information you'd like displayed on the various features of the site you choose to participate in.
On This Page:
The privacy of my information:
In Tournaments
Participants stepping together in an organisations Tournament team will be able to see an accumulated total of the steps logged by their team mates, as shown in the image below (names have been blurred for privacy of staff).
Participants in competing teams within the same Tournament cannot see the individuals or their steps logged within the opposing teams, however they can see the step totals of the other teams.
Your Tournament Coordinator has access to a Tournament Statistics Spreadsheet which contains your step/activity and email address used to add you to the Tournament.
On Leaderboards
If you have chosen to have your details displayed publicly, your name, age range, location and step stats (7 day average, annual steps and lifetime steps) will be displayed on the Public Leaderboard accessible through your Step Statistics. The Public Leaderboard shows annual steps and lifetime steps for 1000 members.
If you are participating in a Challenge, your name, age range, location and month steps will be shown on the leaderboard for the Challenge journey you have selected (see image below). Each Challenge journey leaderboard is only accessible to other members who have joined the same journey.
To Friends
Connecting with Friends will enable you to see the step statistics of friends who you have invited (using their email address), or have invited you (using your email address) and you have accepted. Friends can see your name, age range, location and step stats. Friends can be removed at any time.
Project Staff, Research and Funding Body
10,000 Steps Project staff have access to participant accounts which contains the information you entered when registering with the program which includes your date of birth, name, location, email address and steps logged in your account. This assists us in supporting users if assistance is required.
The 10,000 Steps project gathers information on date of birth, gender and location as a funding requirement and for research purposes where this information is de-identified.
Further privacy information is available in our Terms, Conditions and Privacy Policy.