Member Stories

By reading other's stories you may find a tip or inspirational tale that will help you increase your motivation and activity levels.

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A fabulous hi to

“A fabulous hi to all the steppers. I have been a stepper for a few years now, and thoroughly enjoy reading all the stories and entering all the monthly contests as it greatly motivates me. I keep an eye on the charts to see where i am on them. So everyone keep stepping i think this site is a fantastic incentive for everyone to get healthy and be happy, as you meet people you find new places in your suburb and it gets you out into the fresh air. Linda a happy stepper xx”
Linda, Queensland, 18 Mar 2007

Hi to all at

“Hi to all at 10000 steps. I joined this site on 10 February last year and am averaging over 15000 steps daily. You may think that walking around in your home inside or outside is out but I find I can get huge amounts of steps going round and around a room.100 times around gives 1500 steps. I can really get great pace up so increase heart rate as required. So whatever the weather there is no excuse. NB Most of my walking is done outside. Good luck to you all.Keep those steps coming!!!!!”
jenny, New South Wales, 15 Mar 2007

Hey I'm Wendy I

“Hey I'm Wendy I have only just started. I think it is a great idea being able to reach out to other like minded people. I have put on 15 kilos in 3 months and i am trying to lose it wish me luck.”
Anonymous, Queensland, 13 Mar 2007

I work in the

“I work in the operating theatres at LRH, and almost everyone has signed up for the 10,000 steps challenge. It's so cool to see everyone stopping eachother through the day to compare "steps so far today". I have noticed that when something needs to be done (ie need to go get something) someone will invariably shout "I'll get it - I need the steps". I have also noticed that on the days where not much walking has occurred due to being "scrubbed" all afternoon (standing in one spot handing up instruments) people will say "Looks like I'll be going for a walk after work today". People are definitly more aware of their movement through the day.”
Anonymous, Victoria, 7 Mar 2007

Heya,--In September this year

“Heya, In September this year I get married. Which is why I originally started 10,000 steps. Over the last 7 months I have lost 7kg at 55kg - BMI of 21. I am now only 3kg off my goal weight of 53kg, Yey. Lately I have been running and can now run 8km in 53mins. I feel great, strong and healthy. My main tip is: just remember how long it takes to put on your weight because that is how long it will take you to lose it (I think about when I want to slack off for a week) Also here are two really good sites to check out if you are serious about your weight loss Good Luck Stephanie ”
Anonymous, Queensland, 6 Mar 2007

Hi, Im Jenny

“Hi, Im Jenny & I live near Austin,TX. I joined back in 2005. I started out fine but dropped off, now I am back on track and making daily and weekly goals. I really enjoy the I-Challenges, these short goals help me keep on track. This time around my husband & housemates are really encouraging me & helping me along. I also have joined wieghtwatchers the week before Christmas 2006 and have lost 12lbs. Thanks 10000 steps for letting me join and thanks to all of you guys & gals who keep me inspired to keep on trying to increase my steps every day. jenny ”
jenny, Outside Australia, 5 Mar 2007

I have found since

“I have found since doing the 10,000 steps my main source of inspiration has been watching Forest Gump over and over. Every time i feel like giving up i hear the words 'run Brian run', and the inspiration returns just like magic. I am saving for my own copy of Forest Gump as i can't keep renting it from the video shop as it's costing me a fortune in overdue fees. So if you are feeling like giving up then walk down to your local video shop (walk don't drive) and do yourself a Forest rent. Keep walking Brian ”
Anonymous, Queensland, 2 Mar 2007

What a great site!!!

“What a great site!!! I have just joined today and loved reading the stories of other steppers. I am a mum of 5 children, work full-time during the day and look after 3 other children at night time through family day care. I don't have a lot of spare time, but have decided that I will now walk to work from the train station rather than catching a bus, and also take the steps at work rather than the lifts. I would love to lose around 15kg before our Snow holiday in September and to generally have more energy to spend time with my kids. So, here goes!!! Today is the first day of the rest of my life and I am going to make the most of it!! ”
Anonymous, Queensland, 28 Feb 2007

Hello everyone!-I have been

“Hello everyone! I have been walking for the last 3 weeks and have noticed a whole lot of things happening with me. I have lost 2 dress sizes and my friends have been noticing it. I also have a walking buddie who keeps me on the go i dont think we missed one day in the 3 weeks. She is also 20 years older than me and pushes me hard. I've just bought a pedometer and its my bestfriend I never leave without it. My average is 12,500 im happy with this. So everyone keep up the good work.”
Anonymous, New South Wales, 26 Feb 2007

Wow - Nick of

“Wow - Nick of 20 Feb - what an amazing effort! I started the programme about 12 months ago and with only a slight adjustment to my diet (i.e. no more after dinner snacks) I lost my goal of 10% of body weight within about 10 weeks. Since then I have maintained that weight. I find reading other's stories is really inspirational, so thanks to everyone who has contributed. Andrew ”
Anonymous, Australian Capital Territory, 23 Feb 2007

Hi my name is

“Hi my name is Helen I turned 60 at Xmas and was a little unhappy that I had slowly gained weight in the past 6years. I am petite so going from 47kg to 66kg due to osteo-arthritis and Bakers sist behind both knee caps was my excuse to play less tennis and stop my daily walks. While on holiday I decided to get my life back with a early walk along the Esplanade each day. Consulted a Doctor who confirmed it was up to me to get fit then I would lose weight and feel better. Since the first day 6th January I have lost 3kg but best of all 7 1/2 inches off my hips and 2inches off my waist. Lucky for me I have a very active job and are on my feet walking most of the 6 hours at work. While researching for the pedometer I found the site but have only used it for two weeks. I walk up hill on a rocky dirt track for 25 mins every day and because of the difficult terraine I dont need to walk for hours. My daily average is over 34000 steps I now feel great so good luck.”
Anonymous, Northern Territory, 23 Feb 2007

Hi everyone. My name

“Hi everyone. My name is Pat. I've decided to join the 10000 walking steps programme because of my recent surgery (quadruple bypass heart on 7th Dec 06). I'm 69 years old and in reasonable nick enjoying my retirement - golf, music, gardening and now walking! I hope to get back to golf in about 6 weeks time (but first I have to look after the sternum!!). This operation has made a fantastic difference to my general well being. I feel so full of energy to what I was before the op - although I could still do things but with a handicap. The heart was only operating at about 50% efficiency. I was thinking of a 5000 step goal to begin with - but because I feel so good, I have raised the bar to 10000 steps for this month - I might add with the blessing of the The Heart Rehab team at The Canberra Hospital. Oh by the way, I live in Chisholm, ACT.”
Anonymous, Australian Capital Territory, 22 Feb 2007

Hello Walkers--10,000 Steps Program

“Hello Walkers 10,000 Steps Program has helped me lose weight and become more active. Kristy L.”
Anonymous, Outside Australia, 21 Feb 2007

Hello Walkers!!!--10,000 Steps has

“Hello Walkers!!! 10,000 Steps has helped me, I joined 3 weeks ago.Since I have been part of this program I have been wlking more than I ever have.Every day I am going to try to get a little over 10,000 Steps in. Since I have been in this program I have already lost some weight, and I feel better about myself, and I am more active. Tips: Walk a little in the morning before school or work, then in the evenings walk some more, and before you go to bed. even steps in the house will work, if it helps do 5 or 6 or how many you perfer around the yard. And just remember every step counts!!! Kristy L. ”
Anonymous, Outside Australia, 21 Feb 2007

Hi Fellow Walkers,--Thank you

“Hi Fellow Walkers, Thank you for all your inpirational stories. Through a combination of the CSIRO low carb diet and an average of 13,436 steps a day since January 2006, I have dropped my weight from 125kg to 84kg. My wife, who is a medical praticioner, is prescribing exactly the same diet and exercise routine to her patients with suprising results. Most of them are no longer on their medications. Keep on walking. It is the best exercise. Cheers for now Nick”
Anonymous, New South Wales, 20 Feb 2007

Hello Steppers--I posted on

“Hello Steppers I posted on the 8th January about my quitting smoking and 10,000 stepping. Just letting you know that it is all going really well. Have not touched a cigarette since 5th January 2007 and have stepped over 500,000 steps. The 2 have gone hand in hand - the walking has helped me with my quitting and the quitting has helped me with my walking. No matter who, no matter what, no matter why - Just know - If I can do this - so can you. ”
Anonymous, Northern Territory, 15 Feb 2007

Hi Everyone--I saw a

“Hi Everyone I saw a program on TV ( I think it was Oprah) that advised us to walk at least 10000 steps a day. As I was researching pedometers I discovered this website. I then went out and bought a pedometer the same day. I need to lose about 14 kilos and I am very lazy/busy (any excuse!) to have an exercise routine. Having an office job and working less than three minutes walk from the train station doesn't afford me much opportunity to be active. I feel so happy because of this little machine attached to my belt! For the first time in my life I am desiring to walk more and take the stairs or the 'long way round'. My lunchtime has been revolutionised! I am going out every lunchtime for 45 minutes of walking, and i am getting to discover places around melbourne I didn't know existed. It is a city of many surprises... I am also taking my baby son out to the park and discovering new parks.. It is really giving me the motivation to be active. I have averaged 13000 a day so far, which is beyond my own expectation. I get a little kick everytime I check my pedometer and see I have exceeded 10000. So thank you 10000steps - a combination of your website and pedometer has really given me the motivation I lacked before... AJ Melbourne ”
Anonymous, Victoria, 13 Feb 2007

Hi everyone. My

“Hi everyone. My name is Pat. I've decided to join the 10000 walking steps programme because of my recent surgery (quadruple bypass heart on 7th Dec 06). I'm 68 years old and in reasonable nick enjoying my retirement - golf, music, gardening and now walking! I hope to get back to golf in about 6 weeks time (but first I have to look after the sternum!!). This operation has made a fantastic difference to my general well being. I feel so full of energy to what I was before the op although I could still do things but with a handicap. The heart was operating at about 50% efficiency. I was thinking of a 5000 step goal to begin with - but because I feel good have raised the bar to 10000 steps for this month. I might add with the blessing of the The Heart Rehab team at The Canberra Hospital. Oh by the way, I live in Chisholm, ACT.”
Anonymous, Australian Capital Territory, 7 Feb 2007

Hi Everyone,-I am 76

“Hi Everyone, I am 76 years old and joined last month. I have walked for around 10 years but had started to lose interest. When I saw an article in a magazine about the site I thought that would keep my interest going and it has. I walk on the local walking track as well as on a treadmill .I watch Sunrise of a morning when on the treadmill. I have haemachromatosis which brought on diabetes and as well was operated for uterine cancer last November, so am hoping for a better year, health wise .With walking my diabetes is under control without tablets or injections. My cancer is fine. I belong to a dance club, computer club and an investment club. I appear to be the oldest walker and hope to get to my 1,000,000 steps. If I can do it anyone can. Keep walking. Bronwen. ”
Anonymous, New South Wales, 6 Feb 2007

On 31 March 2005

“On 31 March 2005 I left home for my daily bicycle ride through the hills of South Gippsland (Vic). About 40 minutes and about week later I woke up in Intensive Care at the Alfred Hospital. I had been hit by a truck on the final leg of my ride. I had around 20 broken bones including 5 vertebrae, 7 ribs, both legs (multiple), left wrist and shoulder. My Family were counselled that I would never ride a bike again and may not walk. Being described in the local paper as a fitness fanatic, I did not accept this when told After many months of hospital and much rehabilitaion I was fully discharged just prior to Christmas 2005. I moved to Townsville, where I had applied to go to university, for the consistency of climate which would be beneficial to the optimum functioning of my body. By this time I was walking several kilometres a day as well as riding my mountain bike and had made a couple of attempts on a road bike. As the year progressed I became stronger and more confident and ended up doing the Townsville-Cairns ride for the Childrens Cancer Institute. I heard about 10,000 steps through university. Rockhampton mentors had challenged Townsville mentors and the call had gone out. I accepted the challenge. During the challenge I upped my daily routine and built steadily on my weekly totals. I was geting up early every morning and getting in at least two hours on my road bike before going to uni and then walking for at least an hour afterwards. By the end of the challenge I was averaging more than 35,000 steps a day. The challenge gave me a bit more incentive to push to the next level”
Anonymous, Queensland, 6 Feb 2007

Hi there,--I have just

“Hi there, I have just recently started walking, I am obese and need to lose weight. I also have arthritis in my knees so losing the weight and exercising will help them also. Even though I have only just started walking I look forward to it every morning before I go to work, I have found a great place to walk along our local river has a walking track which is shaded with great trees. I am now working on changing my eating habits" I hate the word diet" and hope to lose 15kilos. I have noticed one thing since I started walking how friendly walkers are. GOOD MORNING to you all and keep up the good work. Lesley”
Anonymous, New South Wales, 29 Jan 2007

I too have read

“I too have read a fair bit as I walk especially walking to and from the station. The ideal book is a smallish paperback and a good story line and before you know it you've arrived.”
Wendy, New South Wales, 27 Jan 2007

Hi to all you

“Hi to all you walkers, I have had some recent set backs two years prior to 2007 I faced operations one on my foot which layed me up for months and the next year on my knee putting my exercise back yet again I am trying to keep up the program to achieve the 250,000 steps challenge for January 2007 and am nearly there. Unfortunately look like going under the knife for a hernia soon. My passion all my life is to keep fit. I love tennis, walking and most of all Line Dancing because all the people I meet in these activities are quick to smile and laugh. I have a daughter who is very obese and I am trying desparately to encourage her to diet and we are on Optifast to give her incentive as I here it is very effective but diet alone will not lose weight you must move. There is nothing like a nice early morning walk in the new day to cheer you up and set a pace for the whole day. Keeping a track of your steps makes you get up and dressed so as to have something on which to hang your step meter and get every step for that day recorded. Good luck and keep interested your positivity helps others. Cheers Dianne NSW”
Anonymous, New South Wales, 26 Jan 2007

Hi-Walking alone can be

“Hi Walking alone can be a little boring, so often people listen to Ipods, radios, CDs etc, but recently I thought what about reading? Yes it is easy & it is great. People may be worried about running into things but peripheral vision is pretty reliable. I have not run into anything yet although a car pulling out of a drive in front of me came close. Going uphill is a little more difficult & you need to look around from time to time or even stop reading as you go up a hill. Speed can be affected to begin with but as you practice you get faster I can even pass people who are not reading now! Be careful of the surface you are walking on if it is uneven it can be more treacherous if you are reading you do not want to suddenly fall in a hole. Recently my friends said I saw you walking to the shops today, I replied it wasn't me. They said, "The person was reading!" - well it seems I am not the only one. Interesting that they only noticed that the person was reading not what they looked like! I am getting through just so many books too. Think the daily paper may be a touch too difficult though!”
Anonymous, Queensland, 25 Jan 2007

Hi,--As an incentive to

“Hi, As an incentive to get those extra steps in, I have been doing a pamphlet run round the streets where we live. The Xmas break has been great, as the number of pamphlets has decreased, but that will probably rise soon. So, this way you get paid to walk, and there is the incentive. Although it is not that much, if you put it all away, you end up with a nice sum after a while, and able to buy you or someone close a nice little present that you may not otherwise be able to afford. The downside of the pamphlets is the folding into bundles. Up to about 6 is OK, over that it is a major task. We had one run late last year where we had 16 different pamphlets for the one delivery. Had to separate into 2 different bundles. It is good at present, as the kids are off school and help with the folding. We deliver to approx 220 letter boxes. Some do more, but we find that this is quite adequate when working full time. I generally deliver over two or three evenings, that way I get the extra walk, and do the walks carrying a bag with weight in it. Keep on walking DG”
Anonymous, Australian Capital Territory, 25 Jan 2007

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