Member Stories

By reading other's stories you may find a tip or inspirational tale that will help you increase your motivation and activity levels.

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Hi Everyone--My name is

“Hi Everyone My name is Jenny and I am morbidly obese @168kgs, 160cm tall. I personally think I am going to die if I do not do something soon. I have even had my stomach stapled and I am still getting bigger every month. My only hope left is exercise. So I have a pedometer and I am walking and I go to boxing lessons as it allows me the opportunity to vent my anger. Why am I angry? I am angry because I have allowed this to happen to my body. I did this to me and I need to fix it. I can no longer live a normal life unless I do. I cannot fit in chairs,people stare at me, its an effort to move. I am alone in this world so I have chosen this website to record this journey. I will be successful you just wait to hear. 2300 steps is all I can manage so far, I will get better. Jenny Townsville Qld”
Anonymous, Queensland, 29 Jul 2007

Hi Again--I've just finished

“Hi Again I've just finished my first I Challenge - The Alaskan Glacier Adventure, four days earlier plus I've also hit the 1 million step mark. I'm still working at achieving 10,000 steps a day but I've been adding the other activites to my total, so I can still reach my mark even if my steps at work have been low, I know I can catch up by working out in the gym or swimming a few extra laps in the pool. Since wearing the pedometer and learning how much or how little I do each day at work and at home I can use my pedometer as a gauge/tool to see how much more i can or need to do, then push myself further each day to beat my previous total. I really enjoy participating in the challenges - we're currently participating in the National Heart Foundations "Climb to the top" challenge to stair climb, step, swim, run and cycle the equivalent of Mount Everst during the month of August, so we are preparing ourselves for the challenge (approximately 2212 floors of stairs to the top). See you at the top! Stacey Perth WA Australia (the most isolated city in the world - lots of wide open spaces to walk in)”
Stacey, Western Australia, 28 Jul 2007


Anonymous, Outside Australia, 27 Jul 2007

Hi to all you

“Hi to all you 10,000 steppers. I am now approaching my 3 millionth step since Feb 07. I can hardly belive it myself. I'm off to North America in a couple of days for six weeks and I expect to be doing some walking in the Canadian Rockies. They have some beautiful walks in the National Parks (Banff % Lake Louise; namely Sentinel Pass and Paradise Valley to name a couple. Check the website and you will be gobsmacked at the variety and beauty of some of the walks. I check out the million milestone every now and again, and I am constantly amazed at the progress of some of the entries. Keep it going guys. I'll try and keep up with you - if I can. Happy stepping everyone. PC49”
Anonymous, Australian Capital Territory, 17 Jul 2007

Hello,-I am writing from

“Hello, I am writing from Michigan, USA. I just want to encourage anyone considering joining in on the fun. I am not trying to loose weight, but I did want to have an answer when the doctor asks, "are you exercising regularly?" I never had a good answer. Now I do and I am loving the exercise I am getting. (So do the dog and the kids!) For the newbie. Start slow. Strap on the pedometer and keep watching this site and record your steps. It won't take long to get caught up in the fun. I challenge myself to keep raising the bar each month. It's a fun and simple way to get off the couch and enjoy life. Have a blessed day, Beryl”
Anonymous, Outside Australia, 15 Jul 2007

Hi Everyone-I commenced using

“Hi Everyone I commenced using my pedometer (won through a competition in the local paper, along with 25 of my work mates, we participated in The West Walk Challenge, run by the National Heart Foundation and The West Australian to encourage people to walk more...It worked! (Our team was called the High Milers!) We started competing with each other to see who took the most steps throughout the day...The end result I won the treadmill, raffled it, donated the money to the Heart Foundation and have encouraged others in my workplace to continue stepping out. Iv'e now rejoined the gym and take my dog on extra walks on my days off work (It really adds to my total when I'm only walking 5000+ steps at work... I'm slowly getting fitting and my clothes are feeling looser.. Stacey Perth WA”
Stacey, Western Australia, 15 Jul 2007

Hello Steppers--I first told

“Hello Steppers I first told my story on the 8th January 2007- my tale of quitting smoking and starting walking. It is now 6 months down the track and I am still quit and still walking. This site has many functions for me - I keep track of my steps - this gives me the incentive to keep walking. I enter the I-Challenges - again for the incentive of competition. I want to ensure that I finish what I begin. I keep track of my health history - So far I have only lost 3 kilograms, but this is the right direction and amazing because all of the literature says that weight gain and quitting smoking go in hand. I look at how other people are going, whether I am keeping pace or slipping well behind. I also like to see where I am with the Million Milestones. I feel I am really getting somewhere. In fact there is so much positive here, not a negative in sight. The main thing is that I was able to replace a really unhealthy habit with a really healthy one. To quit is really hard, it can leave a huge void in your life. But doing the steps and walking and cycling every day has given me a new interest. This website has helped me so much. The next 6 months I will concentrate on fitness and weight. But with your help I have already achieved what I thought was impossible. I quit smoking. Never thought I could. But here I am - A quitter. Yeee Haaaaaaaaaa Thanks A ”
Anonymous, Northern Territory, 10 Jul 2007

I have fibromylagia and

“I have fibromylagia and the pain and stiffness has reached the limit of my capacity after a very bad 3 years such that I was hobbling a lot when walking. I already have to walk with a walking stick. (But I now use trekking poles and when taking dog walkies I use two of those -- one in each hand. I recommend them for posture and per body work out esp as there is no weight load.Standard sticks were causing me to stoop.) So I got my pedometer and starting recording 10,000 steps. I've always walked every day with the dog and while I used that to get back into step this platform is awesome to push me along and give me an aim: 12,00o per day. I also now do boxing workout every fortnight at my local boxing gym with a trainer -- $40 per half hour session.At home so far I can only manage 10-15 minute workouts at that intensity. I'm 58 and been ill for 25 years such that I am an invalid pensioner...and am, so often housebound and bedridden. But my exercise regime got lazy and I had let intensity slacken you see. So I gained weight, and the cycle got vicious.... If I could walk again so that I could go hiking like I used to -- I'd been so delighted.”
Anonymous, Queensland, 8 Jul 2007

One more thing I

“One more thing I forgot to mention.. I want to thank Nick who shared his story on the 20th of February 2007.. Its a very short and brief story but it was the one that inspired me and clicked that "lose weight button" in my brain.. Belal :) ”
Anonymous, New South Wales, 7 Jul 2007

Hi every one,-The first

“Hi every one, The first time I shared my story was 26th of March. I have started walking from Feb, now averaging 20,000 steps per day. Started 104kgs, now I am 83 Kgs with a bmi of 24.7!! Took me 10 weeks of a very strict low GI diet combined with lots of steps!! To all those out there who are trying to lose weight.. its not difficult and its not easy either.. The most important thing to lose weight is: eat healty and move more. Before that, once your brain clicks and switches on the lose weight mode.. you will lose it.. believe in it and you'll find your self resisting all types of unhealthy food and moving more.. For me the formula for losing weight was: Less energy input + More energy output=weight loss Tell your brain to stop: Sugar, rice, and bread.. Eat grilled food, salads and lots of water.. sacrifice the less than 1 minute of nice taste in your mouth for 10 weeks, and keep burning calories and you'll find, just like I did find, that you will basically melt away!! You can do it, good luck, and keep moving! ”
Anonymous, New South Wales, 7 Jul 2007

Hi everyone, have the

“Hi everyone, have the little walking doo-dad programmed, along with a week of dieting under medical supervision....any moment now I am walking away from the keyboard out into my new life.... I want to lose about 40 kgs and up my activity significantly. The others posted stories are very positive. Cheers for now”
Anonymous, Queensland, 1 Jul 2007

Hi all fellow walkers--I

“Hi all fellow walkers I have now been doing the 10000 step program for approx 4 months, along with my Weight Watchers healthy eating plan. In that time I have lost 9kg. It has been a very plesant experience, and with no hardship involved. It gives me the opportunity to get out and see my suburb on the weekend, and my work area during the week. For those interested in garden ideas for your home, there is no better way to scope for your garden improvements by checking out all the gardens as you walk by. I am now averaging 14000 steps a day and loving it Keep on treckin”
Anonymous, Victoria, 25 Jun 2007

Hi everyone--Since starting on

“Hi everyone Since starting on the 10,000 Steps challenge this month (June 2007) I found I actually became more motivated after joining the monthly I-Challenge. It has given me a short term goal to work towards each month - which I find realistic and achievable, and I look forward to seeing my progress mapped out on the graphs each morning after I log my previous days steps. This is exactly what I needed to entice me back to the gym too - to add those "Extra Activities" to my daily steps, because I found in a normal working day I was only doing around 5900 steps. With the "Extra Activities" (60min gym classes - moderate activity) I am able to push this to over 11,000 steps. Thanks for the kick in the butt! Happy Stepping Anita.”
Anonymous, Queensland, 21 Jun 2007

Hi, MY name is

“Hi, MY name is Ailsa Our work place has come up with a nifty idea to get everyone moving. Our boss has bought everyone a pedometer (over 60 staff) and we all log our steps (*kilometres) and we are WALKING to DISNEYLAND from North Queensland to be there in time for the CHRISTMAS break-up in December. So far our group has walked around Australia, stopped off at Italy, and ventured into SWITZERLAND last week. Morning teas have taken on a whole new concept with ITALIAN dishes on the menu last week. For myself personally, I have been trying to better my score each week, but must admit that it doesn't always happen. But, I do keep stepping up to the mark and hope to make that small improvement each week. Cheers everyone.”
Anonymous, Queensland, 17 Jun 2007

I started the 10,000

“I started the 10,000 Steps Program 8 weeks ago. It was tough going those first 4 weeks, however, I stuck to the program and am now averaging 7000 steps, 7 days a week. Hoping to get to 10000 steps in the next month. Can’t believe how much better I feel now sleeping better. I am still working 50 hours a week and will turn 70 in August. The moral of the story is “You can teach an old dog new tricks”, as long as he is fair dinkum! Regards to all, Ron. ”
Anonymous, New South Wales, 15 Jun 2007

Hi My name is

“Hi My name is Maria, This will be my second week on the 10000 steps journey, this week I have had a great walk. I want to lose about 10 kilo's which for me is a big deal seem to be a bit of a yo yo dieter, so I am using walking as the key to my diet. I want to stay motivated so I can do this, it's nice to come and see other stories here and be able to share my own. Happy walking everyone Maria”
Anonymous, New South Wales, 7 Jun 2007

Hi,-Well I'm a rank

“Hi, Well I'm a rank beginner. I've bought my pedometer, opened up the packet and just about orked out how to use it. My aims are: to feel fitter, energised, shed 10kg and to join in the fun. Now that I've written it down I already feel more committed. I'll keep you posted. cheers Mary”
Anonymous, New South Wales, 2 Jun 2007

Hi All,--Last week I

“Hi All, Last week I lost my right kidney through keyhole surgery but I have bounced back better than everyone expected I think largely due to my stepping efforts this year. I am now in a period of enforced recovery but am itching to get back to my walking, gym (now twice a week), swimming etc. Seadog”
Anonymous, New South Wales, 30 May 2007

S.T.-Thank you, I have

“S.T. Thank you, I have just seen your post.I have dropped down to an average of 10,245 from over 11,000 so am hopimg your encouragement will get my average steps back up again. Thanks Bronwen”
Anonymous, New South Wales, 30 May 2007

Well, almost 4 years

“Well, almost 4 years ago now I was around the 90kg mark. Being 6ft tall the weight was not really distributed how any one wants it to be. My lifestyle consisted of grazing through food between meals and eating large portions at lunch and dinner with dessert and a glass or two of wine or beer every couple of days. My bike got more exercise watching me walk past it rather than using it. My lifestyle changed when I got married and moved out of home. By helping around the house, eating smaller portions at meal time, exercising daily even if it is for 30 minutes, and cutting back on my alcohol consumption I saw the weight go. I do still eat chocolate and take out but only once a week or so, when you feel like it. If you crave something eat it otherwise starving yourself is more harm than good I think. By being consistant and having a routine helps keep you busy and not allowing time to be wasted will help you eat when you should and not when you want. Just take it "step by step" Cheers Stanley Ipkiss ”
Anonymous, New South Wales, 29 May 2007

Hi Everyone,--Well it's been

“Hi Everyone, Well it's been nearly a year now when I first joined 10000 steps. I have come a long way meeting most of the challenges each month, it's a daily routine now, every morning I get up early around 6am and do over an hour walk, and then I go back again in the afternoon and do another extra half hour walk. Todate I have lost 20.9kg and it's taken me 14 months to loose this amount. I still have to loose 28kg but I know I will achieve this, especially after reading so many interesting stories to inspire me. Note: I take my torch with me when it's dark in the morning when I walk before the sun comes up: Regards Early Walker, Suzanne.”
Anonymous, New South Wales, 29 May 2007

Hello everyone i just

“Hello everyone i just started the 10,000 steps i want to lose about 25-35 pounds i just bought myself a pedometer yesterday and let me tell you though i just started it is a good way to motivate yourself to actually get up and walk, i don't know why i never thought about doing this before, well i am hoping to get some good results.. ”
Anonymous, Outside Australia, 26 May 2007

greetings from Canada!

“greetings from Canada! the West Edmonton Mall in Edmonton Alberta will take about 7,000 steps if you walk both levels. I'm using this site to get serious about losing some weight and keep be more active, I can't hide in my fatty winter clothes during the summer months and our long evenings. There's a Christmas movie being filmed this spring at the mall. I'm sooooo tired of those holiday decorations that are still up in the month of May. shirl o”
Anonymous, Outside Australia, 24 May 2007

Hi every one,--I have

“Hi every one, I have just joined this site in the hope I can loose a few kilos. I am 5ft 1in and over weight by quite a few kilos and to maintain a healthy life style. So I am very keen to do as many steps in the day that I can manage. I hope to keep in touch and I will let you know the steps I have done. Thanks G J..”
Anonymous, Northern Territory, 22 May 2007

Hi,-I am keen to

“Hi, I am keen to hear about individual's weight loss whilst on this programme.. anyone have time to share? Thanks guys, JB :o)”
Anonymous, New South Wales, 18 May 2007

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