Member Stories

By reading other's stories you may find a tip or inspirational tale that will help you increase your motivation and activity levels.

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I've been walking since

“I've been walking since May 2007 and the 2 millionth milestone step I took was during my son's wedding in Florida! Most of my walking takes place at the West Edmonton Mall, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada [about 7000 steps there] Found this site thru my employer's health challenge competiton site [it was a webpage link] in May of 2007 and in November won the 'turkey lurkey challenge' for walking the most steps between the Canadian and American thanksgivings. Keep on stepping everyone & sharing your stories. You've been an inspiration to get out there and WALK. Shirl O, proud navy mom and now a MIL”
Anonymous, Outside Australia, 1 Dec 2007

Hi All, I am

“Hi All, I am new to this, well not walking. I use to walk everywhere and rarely ever used the car. My health hasn't been the greatest and I would like to improve my fitness/health and social activity. My encouraging and wonderful doctor told me all about your site. I am determined to get going on this. I enjoy meeting people and I live in the Redland Shire. If you would like you can email me at please feel welcome. Have a lovely day! Nat”
Anonymous, Queensland, 30 Nov 2007

Hi my name is

“Hi my name is Jan and I have been walking for three weeks with an average steps per day now of 13,000. I need to lose 15k and I hope my friend Jenny reads this and takes up the challenge.”
Anonymous, New South Wales, 26 Nov 2007

Hi All,--My name is

“Hi All, My name is Steve, I am 47 y/o and 6'1” tall. I live in Henley Beach in South Australia. My story starts like most; a traumatic event that led to a love affair with my fridge and everything in it! In Oct 2002 I had serious injury at work that left me sitting behind a desk. At the same time our little boy was born by emergency C section 5 weeks early and weighing only 3 lb (1475gm). 13 weeks later he had open heart surgery to patch a large hole in his heart, successfully thank God! So in the past 5 years I slowly crept up from 80kg to 115kg and in April 2007 when my Doctor said my cholesterol was through the roof. I decided it was time to get off my ever increasing butt and get fit, for my families and my sake! I started by decreasing my fat intake and cutting back on the size of my portions at each meal and started doing weights at the gym 3 days/week. By September 2007 I had lost 5kg and it was then that I was invited to join the 10,000 steps “walk to Paris” program at work. This is where I was first introduced to the web site and I have not looked back since. I started out doing 7,500 steps/day and by the end of September I was doing 11,000 steps/day. That pedometer sure becomes addictive! I even joined in the City to Bay 12km walk and finished it despite having shin pain for 10km of it! In October it was National Ride to Work day so I got myself a bike and rode the 30km trip to work and home, I was knackered but proud of my achievement. Well it’s now November 2007 and I still go to weight sessions at the gym M, W & F, I ride my bike to work every Wed (30km) and to the hills and back every Sat (40km) and I still try for 10,000 walking steps per day. My cholesterol is back in the normal range and my gorgeous wife says I’m looking “Buff”. I am down to 95kg and feel great! My weight loss has inspired my Brother in Law to get back on his bike after 5 years to lose that “Beer Gut” and my Father in Law has started walking regularly to control his Diabetes(and yes, he is getting a pedometer for Xmas!). I never go to bed without entering my steps and extra activities for the day and always add “notes” in the log your steps page to remind myself of what those extra activities were. I have reached my first Million Milestone and am well on my way to my second. I have completed 3 I- Challenges and our walk to Paris team came second! 10,000 steps has given me my life back, it is an incredibly motivational concept that everyone should know about, so spread the word! Happy Stepping :) ”
Anonymous, South Australia, 21 Nov 2007

Hi--I am in 'sunny'

“Hi I am in 'sunny' england and just to let you know that todays walk was the first of the season with snow! Wasn't keen to go out because the forecast was dire but fear of disappointing a 10 year old made me - glad I went - being in the elements (hot or cold) is an essential part of being alive.”
Anonymous, Outside Australia, 19 Nov 2007

Hi, I joined the

“Hi, I joined the 10,000 steps as part of a team from our work place in September. I have continued the challange by entering the Million Milestones and my individual challange, walking Nadi to Suva by Kings Road. I need to average 13,000 steps daily now and am just making it. My exercise is walking and I can not make my daily total unless I take a morning walk, the dog is making sure I do this. I walk as the sun comes up. The sea looks like glass. The sun sparkles on the boats and catches the flashes of colour on the birds wings. I feel grateful to be alive. L”
Anonymous, Queensland, 16 Nov 2007

Hi-I am currently averaging

“Hi I am currently averaging a bit over 15,000 steps per day which is a combination of walking and cycling. A number of factors contribute to that number, I do not drive so cycling is my transport for shopping etc but the most enjoyable part of my walking is that I live near bush parkland. This morning I cycled the 5 km there and as has been the case every morning I am able to walk past kangaroos / wallabies as well as the native bushland. Further afield while walking I have watched lyrebirds putting on a show. Be able to experience the delights of these sightings makes the actual walking all that much easier.”
Anonymous, Victoria, 14 Nov 2007

Hi, I think that

“Hi, I think that those people get those extremely high steps: a) through hard work; and/or b) extra activities such as a strenuous workout at the gym/swimming/aerobics, etc. Don't forget that those too can be added and equate to steps.”
Susan, New South Wales, 12 Nov 2007

g'day to all,-

“g'day to all, I joined the 10,000 steps programme on the 27th October 07 and have been recording my steps every day and have averaged out at 7,725. I am quite puzzled at what some people are doing as fellow walkers on the same programme have been doing over 20,000 steps per day.! My best has been 14,680 and to do that I had to do my usual walk and be flat out all day.I find it very difficult to do the 10,000 every day.I have a very busy life. Retirement tends to do that to you.We live in a rural area where if one wants to go anywhere it is get in the car and drive otherwise it would take all day just to walk into the closest village to get the milk.! How do these people do so many steps per day. It makes me feel lazy and is very disheartening. I thank the 10.000 steps programme for getting me out there as I have been very slow recovering from 2 operations but am now feeling much better and I also have a torn ligament behind my knee that keeps playing up but I walk on regardless and have found out that I can not do the stretches required otherwise my knee balloons up and is quite stiff for a while.I have never let it stop me from doing things and it will never be operated on because we can not afford private health. Wish I knew how these other folk are gaining the steps they do a day, because as try as I might I can not get to that level.”
Anonymous, Queensland, 12 Nov 2007

Hi. My name is

“Hi. My name is Andrea and I joined 10,000 steps on Monday this week (5th November). I was diagnosed with Gale Stones in March this year and quickly realized I needed to do something about my eating habits. (not that you want to eat anything bad once the pain hits) I have always been over weight, as is most of my family. In March I weighed 138kg. So far this year I have lost 18kg through diet change alone and now weigh 120kg. I have never been a fan of exercise (of any discription) but the pedometer has given me goals. I love just watching it tick over. I'm only green but I hope 10,000 steps will help me get the rest of the weight off and change my life style. My average steps at pressent seems to be 5,000. I have 2 goals 1) get my average steps to 6 thousand 2) break 100kg mark Small goals I know but I have learned if I set them to high I give up to easily. I'll let you all know how I go Cheers Andrea Qld”
Anonymous, Queensland, 9 Nov 2007

Hi all,-I have only

“Hi all, I have only recently joined your website after realizing I need a serious overhaul. Through lack of exercise and eating too many junk foods I had reached a shocking 142 kg for my height of 188cm. This along with a hernia I got from work made me realize that things had too change drastically! I am now averaging about 8,000 steps a day in my first week. I am also following the optislim diet and i'm feeling great just in my first week. I love getting out there and walking along the beach . I have now set myself the goal of joining the Royal Australian Navy in the future. ”
Anonymous, Victoria, 27 Oct 2007

I have just joined

“I have just joined the 10000 Steps Challenge as a way of trying to regain my life. I had a serious accident in 2006 which left me traumatised and depressed. In my depression, I allowed myself to gain over 30kgs, which was all of the weight that I had managed to lose before my accident. When I hit 169kgs, I was devestated that I had allowed myself to get to that weight. Since January, I have managed to lose 5kgs through diet alone, but I know that if I can get active again, then I will find it easier to lose weight. Thank goodness my workplace signed up for the 10000 Steps Team Challenge, which I am sure will send me on my merry way towards a healthier weight and lifestyle! Go the Paper Jammers!!!!”
Anonymous, Queensland, 19 Oct 2007

My fellow steppers.--This will

“My fellow steppers. This will be my last personal entry here at least as a long time goal has now been met. You may have read my previous story, about my work related injury and subsequent weight gain and spiral downward hurting both myself and those I cared about. I went from 86kg's to 126kg's in eleven months. Sport was now impossible and my back did not seem to recover. It was not the pay cut due to the injury sustained at work or the weight gain that prompted me to try something else but a cd set from a man called Skip Ross {The Dynamic Living Series}. Work introduced the 10,000 step challange in 2006 and I set about on my own personal journey. Sixteen months later I am now 84.6kgs back to teaching karate and working for QR National at long last living a full life. My back is still injured but whats an injury over the human spirit, or triumpth without adversity. I sit here a changed man, better I hope in the realisation that YOU all can get from life whatever it is you want all you have to do IS BELIEVE in yourself and the things you can do. Farwell to all here and my sincerest thanks to the outpourings and wellwishes from you all. To those who shared there stories here and there influences on myself a big THANKYOU, you may not realise it but little things such as stories do make a big difference to those who are willing to listen. Anthony J L Kavanagh Australia.”
Anonymous, Queensland, 10 Oct 2007

Hi there,-I found this

“Hi there, I found this web site by just surfing the net. I am probably about 6kg over what I should be. l weigh 68kg and would like to lose around 5-6 kgs. After reading peoples stories I have become motivated. Bought myself a pedometer and have walked at least 8000 steps for the last 14 days. More than anything I am thoroughly enjoying walking everyday. I have an underactive thyroid and have started putting on weight over the last 12 months. Inspired by other peoples commitment to get out there and walk, it has given me the incentive that I need to help me exercise. Thanks for all the stories of encouragement.”
Anonymous, Queensland, 7 Oct 2007

G'day everyone,-I bought a

“G'day everyone, I bought a pedometer a couple of weeks ago and its my favourite gizmo! I get a buzz from reading the number of steps I clock up-particularly today, 17500...I have been a reasonably steady weight of 68-71kg over the last couple of years but am verging on overweight for my height (167cm). I wish to feel sprightly and toned and to look myself in photos (at least how I know I can look when I'm healthy and dedicated to exercise). All the best to everyone, Felicity.”
Anonymous, South Australia, 4 Oct 2007


Anonymous, New South Wales, 4 Oct 2007

Thanks to 10,000 Steps,

“Thanks to 10,000 Steps, we try to organise walking club at National Taiwan Normal University to encourage our faculty and employees to reach the goal of " 10,000 steps a day". Happily we are having around sixty members interested in this programme this semister. Hopefully this club will grow bigger and bigger to spread healthy walking habit around the campus. Jiunn-chern Jwo Taipei, Taiwan. ”
Jiunn-chern, Australian Capital Territory, 3 Oct 2007

Last night my blood

“Last night my blood pressure was 109/68..In April, just 6 months ago, it was 149-91 and I was told to take blood pressure medicine. I knew there had to be another way and thankfully I found your site that has motivated me walk every morning. And the added benefit is..I've lost weight,really toned up and feel great. Thanks so much for your site. T DeBord Knoxville, TN USA ”
Anonymous, Outside Australia, 3 Oct 2007

I joined in sep

“I joined in sep of this year, I am also doing weight watchers, its great I love how im so motivated even getting up to change the station, I park as far as I can which is still safe when going to the supermarket. I call my friends and instead of going out for dinner they come walking with me! Its really great and I know that I will lose the weight. I am 153 cms tall and I currently weigh 68.2 (I began my journey weighing 86 kgs) so here is to a new me! I know I will get there..... Cheers to us all for making these wise changes : )”
Anonymous, Victoria, 2 Oct 2007

I did it!!

“I did it!! I completed the September Challenge of walking from Vienna to Tata, and I had two days to spare. I actually reached the target on my 62nd birthday, which made me feel really good as I've only been walking with a pedometre since mid-August. By the end of today (30th Sept) I should have walked approximately 297,000 steps this month. I'm going to aim for a daily average of 10,000 steps for the October Challenge as I believe taking small steps and achieving is better than biting off a big chunck and getting discouraged. So my goal for October will be 310,000 steps.”
Anonymous, Outside Australia, 30 Sep 2007

I've just come back

“I've just come back to 10,000 steps after around 2 years of being away from it for various reasons. Yes I did put on just a few kilos, but the need and the love of walking didnt disappear during that time. Now its back on track, and back into walking, the only real exercise ive ever really enjoyed and know, if health permits, I'll always enjoy....My two pedometers have been broken or lost, so tomorrow its off to get a newer, streamlined model and its time for logging in here every day to record my steps.. I still have a dream of travelling aroudn Aussie, and walking a lot of the distance, to do my bit in helping to raise money for the less fortunate and improve my health at the same time...Love reading everyone stories.!! Keep em coming! Theresa ”
Anonymous, Victoria, 28 Sep 2007

Hi my names Mathew

“Hi my names Mathew I started the 10000 steps in September. I think the stories are very inspirational and I would like to Congratulate everyone who is competing in the 10000 steps challenge.”
Anonymous, Queensland, 27 Sep 2007

WOOOO HOOOOOO !!!!!!--Second million

“WOOOO HOOOOOO !!!!!! Second million steps in 2007 today!!! now to get my third by 1 Jan 2008. Computer estimates 25 Jan 07 so I want to beat it! Hugs and GOOD LUCK to you all! Jenn”
Jenn, Australian Capital Territory, 24 Sep 2007

Hi everyone,--I have just

“Hi everyone, I have just joined the program and have found the stories very inspirational. I am looking for virtual walking buddies to share ideas and ongoing motivation with. Fellow aussies and o/s buddies would be great.I am 50-55yrs,living in QLd and wanting to lose 25-30kgs. My motto is to be trim, taut and terrific....... Left a message on the discussion forum as well. email: cheers and best wishes Suzi”
Anonymous, Queensland, 24 Sep 2007

Hi my name is

“Hi my name is Karen and our workplace has just joined the 10,000 steps programme. Reading participant's stories has inspired me to increase my daily activity and aim for 10,000 steps per day. Married for 15 years, I find that my weight gain has averaged an extra kilogram of weight for each year of marriage! I am looking forward to uncovering the stronger, healthier (and slimmer) version of myself in the months to come. ”
Anonymous, South Australia, 19 Sep 2007

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