Member Stories

By reading other's stories you may find a tip or inspirational tale that will help you increase your motivation and activity levels.

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Just out there having a go

“As a relative new member of DTMR and one of the Western District offices, it is refreshing to see how wellness and wellbeing is being promote within the workplace. As a employee from Private Sector, this is something that is recognised as major part of employment, the personal wellbeing and wellness of employees. Great to see the executive of DTMR from top down promoting this in our workplace. Our District loves a bit of banter and great to see the effort across QLD, and thanks to our Captain and wellness and wellbeing advocate for all his work in this area. School Holidays now so a bit more hours to enjoy the outdoors, healthymind=healthbody=winwin Keep having fun everyone”
Andrew , Queensland, 20 Sep 2021

It is a revelation

“2020 AND 2021 have been the laziest years of my life, due to the lock down. I was even more disappointed that my registration fee for so many running/walking events was not refunded for the year 2020 and i was more upset. So i have decided not to do any more registrations for the year 2021. I used to register myself for couple of Full marathons, Half marathons and a few more charity walks. I was very excited to do the 10000 step challenge during this gloomy and sedate times. This 10000 step challenge has ignited my motivation for walking and so at the end of each day /during the day i am able to spend at least 2 or 3 hours for walking to keep my physical and mental health intact part from the daily routine. I am very happy to be in the team Massey for the challenge.”
Vadrevu, Outside Australia, 13 Sep 2021

10,000 steps

“When I first completed the 10,000 steps, I clapped! ez”
Vincent, Victoria, 7 Sep 2021

From Global Village to Self Reflection

“Over many years, my family and I had the opportunity to visit family and friends across different continents but COVID has taught us how to enjoy the "Self Time" we have been given as a gift. Whilst it has always been eye opening to seek so many beautiful places, meeting new people and enjoy nature, we miss that personal touch but walking with my husband and talking about those memories has also been a pleasure over last 18 months more so than before. We were more encouraged by our neighbor Norma who at 75 walks for 2-3 hours daily and comes back with a flower arrangement of sorts for me. In return, I have been making extra food and sharing with her to break the routine of cooking your own meals all the time. Congratulations to all who have reached out to help others at this very difficult time and may you all achieve your personal challenge goals.”
Yashmin, New South Wales, 7 Sep 2021

By saying it out loud, then I can follow it through.

“Graduation is coming up in 3 months and am so hoping to have the size I can feel comfortable with. I'm currently size 16-22 - depending on the style of clothing, but will be nice to lose a few inches on the mid part. Just before the August 2021 lockdown, I hadn't been to the gym for a few months. During lockdown, food became my best friend and enemy at the same time. Then when I got an email about the 10,000 steps challenge coming up, I knew I had to do it. I'm around 100 - 106kgs and only 172 inches tall. There is a difference between having the extra weight on and just having the right weight for my height. When I'm on the weight I am comfortable with, I don't feel to take too many clothing when travelling. Anyway, will update you in the next couple of weeks. I'm taking lemon water for the next 7 days and see what happens. Enjoy stepping!”
Sofia, Outside Australia, 7 Sep 2021

Travelling to beautiful cities including a few Wonders of the world

“Over many years, my family and I had the opportunity to visit family and friends across different continents but COVID has taught us how to enjoy the "Self Time" we have been given as a gift. Whilst it has always been eye opening to seek so many beautiful places, meeting new people and enjoy nature, we miss that personal touch but walking with my husband and talking about those memories has also been a pleasure over last 18 months more so than before. I have been doing my walk almost 3 to 4 times a day to focus on positives as the world around goes through this extreme change where families are losing loved ones and or we experience COVID within our families abroad, minimum 8k a day has been the routine. It was a bit hard to rope in my hubby who struggled to cope with the Lockdown after couple of weeks, but eventually he joined and we both made good use of our time walking without a purpose which really helped us relax. A few friends have also picked up this and we now have a number of our network just walking to shake off the bad vibes. We were more encouraged by our neighbor Norma who at 75 walks for 2-3 hours daily and comes back with a flower arrangement of sorts for me. In return, I have been making extra food and sharing with her to break the routine of cooking your own meals all the time. I can proudly say that I have maintained my weight and happiness at same levels since March 2020 when I started working from home but fitness level is another matter and I cant wait to do gym activities with my friends once again. Congratulations to all who have reached out to help others at this very difficult time and may you all achieve your personal challenge goals.”
Yashmin, New South Wales, 7 Sep 2021

This Challenge Has Helped Me To Discover So Many Places In My Neighborhood

“I used to love walking to and fro my former place of work but then I got promoted and got redeployed to the Capital city which is about 40 mins drive from my house. I used to enjoy the night lights, the incessant dramas, and the discovery of cool joints to have fun every now and then. Before the challenge started in August 2021, I got ill and was on admission to the hospital. I was gutted cos I had planned to enjoy the challenge and possibly win. I lost about a week's participation as I wasn't moving much. But after I got back home, I rested for a few days and started looking for every opportunity to walk around. Seeing the low figures posted on my dashboard, I decided to not drive to work but carpool with my colleague. So, every morning I walk to our meeting point and in the evening I ask that he drops me off couple of miles away from my house so I can walk. At work, I stopped taking the elevator but the stairs, I also take the longer route to offices or places I want to go so my steps can increase. This event afforded me the opportunity of knowing/discovering places I never paid attention to in the past cos I would have just driven home and after being tired from the hours spent behind the wheels, I just freshen up and rest for another day. I can say for a fact that I feel so alive right now! Thank you so much CQUniversity and Ikeja Electric. Anticipating the next one!!!”
Ahmed, Outside Australia, 7 Sep 2021

10000 step tournament

“I joined a team to do a 200,000,000 step tournament at first I found it difficult to do 10000 steps in 1 day as to went on I added 2000 steps per day now coming close to the end I am averaging 20,000. I walked 5 half hour stints during the dayas the days progressed I became more energetic & motivated I never thought that I would last the distance I am quite enjoying the journey. Gwendoline Goombungee Q”
Anonymous, Queensland, 7 Sep 2021

Keep on keeping on

“It’s about keep on keeping on to keep doing your healthy lifestyle and exercise enjoy your healthy lifestyle and exercise enjoy keep fitness workout going every day drink plenty of water and eat healthy too.  It’s ok I start at 104kg and now I am 81 kg I am doing well as a personal trainer and I am inspiring others to do the same thing in Mildura in Victoria Australia.  Just keep on keeping on and success will come be positive and stay strong we can all do it.”
Chris, Victoria, 7 Sep 2021

A pretty and challenging walk

“On Sunday 4 July eight of us from Greater Sydney Conference churches exercised by walking from Cowan to Mount Kuring-gai along the Great North Walk while keeping our social distancing . It is a very pretty walk with Boronia and some wattle in flower at the Cowan end of the trail. We crossed many creeks and took in the splendor of Berowra Waters on a beautiful sunny morning. The track poses some careful walking in places due to its steepness. However overall it was a beautiful walk. For all of us our leg muscles ached at the end but we really enjoyed the walk.”
Anonymous, New South Wales, 7 Sep 2021

Take a step means conquer your fear

“I started my journey in the 10,000 steps challenge only recently, and am fortunate to be leading a team of 12 people, all technocrats, engineers, and basically very motivated people. However, working from home and the COVID times have taken a toll on everybody's psyche and it is evident in the subtle change in attitudes. This challenge has now galvanised everybody to swing into action. Since it is 10,000 steps EVERYDAY, it means it is not a one-off marathon or a one-off 100m sprint, but a long term healthy WAY OF LIFE. This has taken some time to sink in but now that we are close to finishing the 4 million step mark, we are all excited to achieve this milestone. Personally, the routine of covering so many steps everyday means a lot, it has injected a semblance of an order in my daily routine and is guiding me to think about how we can be fit for life, by taking steps, small steps, day after day. I would encourage all to take this message to all Corporates, to all schools, colleges and Universities that by taking care of our health, we will be doing a great favor not only to ourselves, but also to the governments: the staggering expenditure on health will go down and the precious money can then be allocated to more needy areas, such as education or poverty. Lets all embrace this 10,000 steps a day motto as a way of life, much the same way as we brush our teeth or take a cuppa! In a way, when we take a step, we are also conquering our fear, we are telling our bodies that hey! you can do it, keep walking, keep taking that extra step. I also found this website very useful So our mantra for life: 10,000 steppa, before we take a cuppa!!!! - Diptiman Yadav, Melbourne”
DIPTIMAN, Victoria, 7 Sep 2021

The father of the bride.

“My eldest daughter got married in June 2019. I was a size 44 suit. When the wedding photo came back and I was embarrassed by them. I woke in September looked in the mirror and saw my weight on the bathroom scaled and said “no more”. I started walking and counting calories using my fitness pal app and working with my family doctor from that day. I have lost over 35 kg. Im  wearing trouser with a 32 cm waist. My resting pulse is down to 60 and my blood pressure is at a 30 years age and I just turned 60. I can’t say how well I feel and love myself. People who have known are amazed. So far to the date I’m writing this 7/5/21 from the 1/1/21 I walked 2 600 000 steps in 4 and a bit months this year. I can’t say how important it is to talk to your doctor and keep checking with them. I work full time as a primary school teacher my energy level and coping skills are so good. I’m so thankful for my Fitbit. I hope this will encourage someone to get out and start walking little distances and watching what you are eating.”
David, Queensland, 12 May 2021

I came back to 10,000 Steps community

“I joined here in 2008, then I stopped posting my steps in 2009, because as I remembered I must add the steps manually. In fact I continued to gain 10,000 steps daily. Around 2015 ( I am not sure ) I bought a Fitbit to record my steps, and it automatically syncs the steps to gadget application. Last month April, I found this website by chance, and tried to login, forgot password. And I changed the password, then I login, bingo , my data is still there. There is new facility to sync with Fitbit data. I synced my Fitbit data back in Sept 2020. I was very happy since my new data syncs automatically. Thanks very much, especially with challenges. Zaky from Indonesia.”
Achmad Zaky, Outside Australia, 12 May 2021

Never give up!!!!

“The older I get the more my body tells me to slow down - my doctor said if you don't you use it you will loose it - referring in particular to knee pain. So I joined 10,000 steps, I much prefer the step counter on my waist rather than as a watch. Most importantly it allows me to see when I'm being slack and seeing my steps stay steady and increase is so good. I have some weeks where life is busy and I just don't get that much exercise in, but then I try and make up for it in the next week. Thank you for helping me stay on track.”
Anne, Queensland, 8 Feb 2021

Thanks! You guys inspired a funny challenge in Brazil!

“Here in Brazil, the pandemic is hitting on us pretty hard. Our goverment is completely lost and our people didn't find a better way to deal with it by ourselves. Anyway, my family and a couple of friends decided to lock ourselves down as long as we can and, inspired by you guys, we organized a 10.000 Steps Challenge for 8 weeks. The winner will get a complete breakfast and everybody got a T-Shirt. It has been a great way to maintain ourselves healthy, together and sane throught this difficult time. Actually, we are having a lot of fun walking around and we are greatful for that! Thanks and take good care, folks!”
Anonymous, Outside Australia, 2 Feb 2021

Walking away the Grief

“I joined at tournament in April through my company at the beginning of Melbourne's first lockdown. Then in May my relationship of nearly 3 years ended and I was beset with heartbreak and grief. Walking once a day, sometimes even as tears rolled down my cheeks behind my facemask, was my way of processing the grief i was feeling and getting some peace. I've just kept going and walking longer and longer each day and it's become a habit, a routine and a way of starting my day. I'm grateful for the challenges which keep me motivated. Now my tournament has ended I look forward to remaining motivated to keep active as it's been a huge part of my recovery which still has a long way to go.”
Samantha, Victoria, 6 Oct 2020

Walking to keep fit physically and mentally

“With my indigenous culture, it is part of me to walk (go walk about). I only found out that I had Aboriginal blood in 2000. I always wondered why I walked a lot, whenever I got angry or needed to think. I find walking to be very therapeutic for my soul. I just recently visited the Carnarvon Gorge, this is where my indigenous heritage is from. I walked nearly the whole track, except for the very top point 14 km return trip. I can tell you now, I slept like a baby that night. Keep walking people and stay healthy, be safe from the Covid virus.”
Anonymous, Queensland, 30 Sep 2020

Our Wagga Albury Playlist #1 Byron Blue Bay Blues

“Ok Wagga Albury walker talkers the first leg we have is to Byron Bay or from Byron so herees some sweet tunes to stumble along to....”
Anonymous, New South Wales, 2 Sep 2020

I am back, again

“Just stopped one wet, hot humid day. I don't know why, was totally enjoying the walks. New state, new house, new job, moved and right sized all in a few weeks. Fast forward three years later, just manage 1000 steps a day, sad, had a mini stroke and unemployed. Was unpacking in the new place and found my old pedometer. I just stopped, just stopped, unpacking snatched my old faithful shoes, new battery and reset pedometer and took off out the door. Fantastic. Feel better.”
Anonymous, Queensland, 2 Sep 2020

Getting moving Queensland

“I made a goal to get moving more. I do about an hour of exercise a day. This is a mixture of aerobics (at home by dvd) walking and outdoor bike. I've cut back on my alcohol. I've lost 12 kg over a year. It was slow and steady. I'm over 50 but I don't want to fall by the wayside and have to retire early due to ill health.”
Sue, Queensland, 24 Aug 2020

Tracy's goal

“Exercise is part of my life and doing this with my work mates, is giving me something to look forward to after work, exercise helps me feel healthy and mentally its great during this time. Exercise make me feel good, even if I am not it just puts me is a great head space. I love exercise and always have and this is one good thing that I focus on when I am not feeling so great. It really is a great thing to do as a team, plus I love getting out in the fresh air even when its cold and wet I will do it. Glad Im on board and looking forward to see how my awesome team is going!!!! It really is a great activity to do with my awesome work mates who I miss!! Great great thing to do its helping me !!!! Love it!!!”
Anonymous, Victoria, 18 Aug 2020

Walking instead of flying...

“I started walking seriously again, that is everyday, during COVID-19 isolation. At a time when no one is flying, what a great idea to create monthly individual Challenges in some of our Olympic cities and offering walks that can be undertaken by people at different actvity levels. I have today completed my virtual walk from Shimonoseki to the Itsukushima Shrine with its "floating", vermillion Tori Gate. I was there in September 2018, just fabulous. It was a great motivator. Adding some photographs of places and points of interest along the way would make it even better. Is that possible? Thea”
Thea, Queensland, 29 Jul 2020

Game of Soles

“We created this challenge to "help us flatten our curves" and ensure that we are keeping active throughout the month leading up to the end of the financial year to keep both body and soul healthy. Let the fun begin.....”
Anonymous, Queensland, 1 Jun 2020

Looking forward...

“I am looking forward to going into my retirement in early July by trying to establish habits to keep me healthy and well. Today I had a beautiful early morning start to the working day by working 3000 steps down to the beach at Hastings Point to watch the sunrise. I went early to ensure I had time before work and it was so beautiful and such a great way to start the day, I think I'll continue to do it even when I don't have to go to work.”
Anonymous, New South Wales, 1 Jun 2020

10 x 10 with Friends

“Currently doing a thing with some friends where we have to walk or run 10k for 10 consecutive days. This is in place of a regular Saturday Parkrun at Northlakes (closed during covid), regular exercise at the gym FnM (closed during covid). I try to remember one thing, keep fit keep friendly and have fun, well maybe that's three. Good luck everyone, enjoy the walk.”
Nev, Queensland, 19 May 2020

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