Member Stories

By reading other's stories you may find a tip or inspirational tale that will help you increase your motivation and activity levels.

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Flying not Walking..

“I ride fixed gear bicycles - no freewheel or gears- so my "exact" number of pedal strokes can be calculated from the Garmin/Strava GPS distance data and circular geometry. There is no coasting possible unless my back wheel is skidding or airborne. That's my exercise - not walking... F L Y I N G !”
Anonymous, Queensland, 19 May 2020

Have to start somewhere :)

“With accepting this challenge and also on my own weight journey, I've accepted the 10,000 steps a day challenge. So in the last few weekends, I ridden my pushbike for 20.4 k's, 10.8 k's and this weekend past did 8.6 k's and also walked around my local area. This is increasing my fitness, so I can achieve the 10,000 steps a day, commitment. Bring on the 13th May, 2020!!!!!”
Anonymous, Queensland, 19 May 2020

Peninsula POWER women's football division in Brisbane

“Hi all, as a member of a women's football division in isolation and unable to train with our team mates, we decided to invite our members of our Brisbane Women's Premier League, to join our "Wobbly Bums/mums" mature aged female footballers along with our Community league players and junior girls division to take up the 10,000 Steps a day challenge. We have 4 teams of approximately 15 participants all adding their steps to increase their teams total. We will provide awards and incentives to those who have hit the pavement. We are fortunate to live around the beautiful Redcliffe Peninsula with plenty of foreshores to walk, run, bike ride and skate. This has been a great incentive to get up and get active , keeping connected with each-other and sharing our progress with one another. Excitement is building as the restrictions of Covid19 ease and we are all looking forward to coming together on top of a MOUNTAIN to complete the 10,000 STEPS challenge by 30th June. On a personal note; I was lucky to record 150 steps a day, stuck in front of a computer all day, I am now averaging 10-15,000 steps a day and feel SO MUCH BETTER FOR IT!”
Anonymous, Queensland, 13 May 2020

Ironman Training for Unfit Stepper

“I am the least likely to step up to do an Ironman in May 2020. I am not a mermaid nor do I ride my single bike 190kms, nor am I a Forrest Gump Runner. This step Tournament will hopefully get me fit again to start training properly. I always need a goal to chase. My work has come up with this to one get us fitter and help us to mentally be healthy. Nationally we have teams and the one who wins can have donations made to charity of their choice. So here goes. Cheers! Donna”
Anonymous, Queensland, 30 Sep 2019


“Badminton is a great game both as a professional and recreational one. It requires not only skill but also extensive body movement which helps to keep you physically fit and strong. As a working staff its very difficult to maintain your body fit, so I started to play badminton from last year and it had helped to improve my core muscles, arm and back muscles and get a workout as well. Thus, if you want to lose around waist or thighs, a game of badminton works much better than just running.”
Anonymous, Outside Australia, 27 Sep 2019

The Weekender

“It all started at work last year after I lost my partner to cancer, one of my colleague put me in to make up a team of five for the work 10,000 Steps competition. I found during work hours I could easy do about 30,000 steps but the weekend was a different story, so I had to get out of the house go place like the beach, or bush walking etc. Now am hooked, not only with the work comp each year but with the individual comp. I enjoy better health, mentally, physically but most of all its help me through some the grieving of the loss of a partner. Thank you.”
tweezel, New South Wales, 15 Jul 2019

Fit Happens

“Play regular golf...walking the course you do 16,000 to 18,000 steps in 4  and a 1/2 hours hitting a little white ball around a beautiful park land settings, adrenalin running through your veins...awwww it's not true what Einstein said "Golf is a good walk spoilt". ”
Anonymous, New South Wales, 11 Apr 2019


“I had an artery in my head burst about 5 years ago when I was 50 and am partially paralysed on the right side. After months in hospital I was sent home (not a good patient). My steps has to come from walking inside the house. I have worked up to about 5-6000 steps a day where I used to double that. My advice is; don't try and compete with others, the biggest challenge is yourself. NEVER, EVER, give up.”
Gary, Victoria, 30 Mar 2019

Walk around Photography has healthy outcomes.

“I enrolled in University of Newcastle to study visual communication, and so learning digital Photography has provided two immediate benefits, I’m now can take decent photo, and my health and well-being is in great shape due to walking around practising photography. Every photography trip clocks up at least 5000 steps. So I decided to join the 10000 steps challenge.”
Anonymous, New South Wales, 25 Mar 2019


“I thought I was walking around 1600 steps on a shift and realised after today I walk so much further. I got a total of 19507 from my day shift and look forward to seeing what I do on an afternoon and night shift, this exercise along with my cycling is fun.”
Anonymous, Queensland, 7 Feb 2019

Already active

“I was already very active, however this has made it more fun. I have competitions with my mother who is also a member of 10000 Steps. The biggest surprise with all this activity was that I won a prize for doing it. Having the challenges has inspired me to do more walking and other healthy activities. Cheers Kerry.”
Kerry, Queensland, 10 Jan 2019


“My last login was 2006...younger, fitter and healthier! A pedometer on my waistband held on with a ribbon and a safety pin because I was forever losing it! But most importantly, the programme worked! I’m aiming for the same result again....well, the fit and healthy part.....and have every confidence in achieving it. So much incentive to keep trying. Cheers to everyone ‘having a go’....”
sue, Queensland, 9 Jan 2019

Stepping out in the UAE

“We are the staff from an international school in the emirate of Ajman in the United Arab Emirates. For those of you that do not know the UAE, it is not walking distance from Dubai or if it was, it would be a long, hot walk! As one of our social and wellbeing initiatives at work, we have some 75 staff members in teams of five involved in our team challenge tournament. We are a diverse group of nationalities: from the UK, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, India, Philippines, Pakistan, Turkey, Columbia, Egypt, Jordan and other gulf countries. Involvement in the tournament has certainly brought all aspects of the school's operations together: cleaning, maintenance and facilities, security, academic, marketing and admin support have all stepped on board and it's certainly a real talking point around the place. The temperatures have dipped so everyone's out in the fresh air, as well we've seen some really fantastic individual performances. It's had a powerful impact on strengthening our bonds at work and establishing meaningful connections and we've still two weeks to go! Logging steps is simple; the resources on the website are great and overall, it's been fun for everyone - keep up the great work!”
Anonymous, Outside Australia, 8 Nov 2018

MISFITS Australia, Manny

“I have dug out from storage my wife’s old treadmill and have begun walking 4-5 kilometres every morning. That’s around 5000-6000 steps I wouldn’t normally make. I usually walk around 10 k’s on a normal day at work anyhow, but the 10,000 steps competition has inspired me to do more. Thought I would share this with you. Good luck and happy walking to you all. Manny”
Anonymous, Victoria, 17 Oct 2018

Friendly and healthy competition at work and at home!

“I have to credit the 10,000 Steps program with getting many of my family members to exercise as they wanted to look like they are trying in our "Group". I have found the same to be true at work. The fun practice of checking your steps each day has made for a positive interaction with both of my groups! I notice at home, it is fun to see if you can beat a family member or when a new exercise person beats an avid exercise member. All good and healthy!”
Anonymous, Outside Australia, 16 Aug 2018

The 10,000 Steps program is perfect for me

“I've found this program most enlightening.  After a long period of knee problems which prevented me from walking far, now resolved, I decided to join 10,000 Steps to keep me honest.  Most days I walk approx. 12,000 steps.  I still have some minor physical problems which prevent me from doing some other types of exercise so this is perfect for me.”
Anonymous, Queensland, 7 Aug 2018

The Stepping Bug caught me...

“I first started the 10,000 Steps and challenges in a 4 week Tournament in 2017 and I initially planned on conducting at least 12,000 steps per day, considering I wasn’t that active, but the ‘stepping bug’ caught me and I even recorded a couple of 50,000 plus steps during the Tournament, and this has all occurred thanks to the 10,000 Steps Program. Since then, I now step an average of 25,000 every day and always log my steps online, participate in 5km Parkrun each Saturday, can now run 10kms without walking and have lost around 18kg and am feeling better and fitter than I have in decades – again, all thanks to the 10,000 Steps Program. My advice to anyone considering the 10,000 Steps Program is to join and just start stepping, who knows what each tiny step will bring. For me it was a huge change in lifestyle and wellbeing, definitely for the better! - Wayne Chetcuti”
Wayne, Queensland, 14 Mar 2018

Stepping along

“Hi Everyone. I have been stepping since 2013 and every now and then slip up but I have inspired my husband to do 10,000 steps per day too. Being a man he outdoes me most days and has also lost 26 kilo's. He does not do any challenges or record his steps though, but is motivated daily to walk his 10,000 steps which makes me feel chuffed that he does it. Keep up the good work everyone and I like the individual challenges too. Helen Etheridge, Sydney, Australia.”
Anonymous, New South Wales, 13 Mar 2018

10,000 Steps since the beginning...

“I've been with 10,000 Steps since the beginning when a couple of health and human performance academics decided to do something practical to improve the overall health and fitness of staff and students at CQ University in Rockhampton. I've personally done over 55 million steps since (more actually, as in the early days there was no website), and shared in the joys and successes of what is now a world wide community of happy steppers. Thanks to folk like Peter Reaburn and Kerry Mummery who got this great effort off the ground, and to the many folk since who keep it humming along today, and hopefully, for many years to come. You can complete monthly challenges at varying ability levels; I've personally found I'm more systematic in exercising when I undertake these. You can link up with other walkers or make up a team. Member stories are also on the website and some are very moving and inspirational. So what's not to like? Join me today and let's aim for half a million walkers before the decade is out :)”
Peter, Outside Australia, 14 Feb 2018

Achieving 10,000 steps, but maybe not all in one day.

“I was getting discouraged seeing my pedometer never clock up the magic 10000 in spite of, what seemed to me, a lot of effort. But I've found a solution that works for me, to keep me motivated. I don't zero my pedometer every day any more. I let it keep running till it reaches 10000 and then I reset it. That means that most days, I see 10000 on the pedometer and I feel I've achieved something. In practice it works this way: Day 1 - I might clock up 7000 steps. But I don't record it and I don't reset the pedometer, because I haven't reached 10000 yet. Day 2 - I continue from yesterday, reach 10000, record it and reset the pedometer. And then keep walking. Maybe I end the day with about 4000 on the pedometer. Day 3 - Same again, I continue from yesterday. Towards the end of the day, I can have reached 10000 again, after doing about 6000 steps. I then reset the pedometer, and any more I do before evening gets carried over to the next day. Day 4 - Maybe I'll have 1000 or so from yesterday to start with, or maybe nothing. I may not reach 10000 this day, but even so, every step I clock up is going to help me reach 10000 tomorrow, so I stay motivated to keep walking. My step average has increased this way, because every step counts towards certain achievement, either today or tomorrow. There are no 'wasted' days. Every step counts.”
April, Victoria, 13 Feb 2018

Great Experience

“It has been one of the greatest experiences of my life losing 5 to 6 kg of body weight in one month only by walking as a part of our workplace Tournament. In the last few days of our Tournament, all of our team members visited some high hills and beautiful historical places here in India to get more steps. During this time we got to know each other more. Even though the Tournament has now ended, I am aiming to keep walking and am hoping to lose more weight. ”
Anonymous, Outside Australia, 2 Nov 2017

Fantastic Motivator

“Hi there I found this website when I had my first determination to loose weight in 2012 through many walks I saw the 10,000 Steps signs and bought a pedometer and started logging my steps, I found it fantastic and very motivational. I had a two year goal to lose 30kg which I accomplished with the help of a huge amount of walking, going to the gym and changing my diet. Once my goal was hit I slackened off a bit, but continued to ensure a step goal of 10,000 steps a day. I have since put all the weight back on and will start a new goal in the new year. Through the years my basic pedometer was replaced with a striiv smart pedometer which I loved but it died on me and as it was not sold in Australia at the time I moved to a Fitbit, which now everyone in my family has a Fitbit as well. I continued to log my steps into your website as it contained all my history and created an account for my daughter. The 10,000 Steps website is always on my mind but as I had a Fitbit I didn't go into it very often and when I did only to update my steps. Today I went in there and it now syncs with Fitbit. What a lifesaver you have come a long way in the years I have used your site and am very impressed with the fantastic updates to the site. My steps are all up to date and having the option to sync with Fitbit, it will always be up to date from now on. Thankyou for a great site and keep up the fabulous work improving it.”
Heather, Queensland, 28 Oct 2017


“I originally joined in 2009 and have just signed into my old account after a long break of not recording my activity. After great success my slide started with thinking I didn't need accountability. Thankfully, it isn't as bad as when I originally started and never do I want to go back to those days. Just laced up my old shoes and am going to explore my new city which I moved to six weeks ago. Also joined the gym. Back on track, thank you for keeping my old account.”
Anonymous, Queensland, 28 Sep 2017

It Started With Food

“After several years of intense stress, I'm virtually inactive, except for swimming on weekends. I've been wanting to get more active for years. I used to weight-train in my 30s, and one thing I learned (and later forgot) from my weight-training days is the importance of nutrition for sustaining activity. While weight-training, it was my goal to eat 6 nutritious meals per day - 4 x protein, carb, and vegetable, 2 x protein and carb - and 8 glasses of water. No calorie counting. No restrictions. By focusing on getting the right fuel for the body, things like cake and chocolate lost their appeal. I still used to eat them occasionally when I was feeding my body right, but most of the time I just didn't feel like it. I had so many other really satisfying foods I wanted to fit into my day. And I got really fit, strong, and energised. So, as of last month, I'm back to on to nutrition. I've joined 10,000 Steps to track my activity as I get more motivated and to strike a match to all this good fuel I'm taking in. I've chosen 10,000 Steps specifically because it runs throughout the year, and lets me compete against myself, which I like a whole lot more than team-based challenges. The best person to compete against, in my opinion, is yourself.”
April, Victoria, 4 Sep 2017


“I have lowered my daily goal from 10000 steps to 7500. I am in my 3rd year of chemo for ovarian cancer and I just do not have the stamina to walk like I use to. I am 80 years old but still trying to stay as active as I can.”
Anonymous, Outside Australia, 25 May 2017

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