Member Stories

By reading other's stories you may find a tip or inspirational tale that will help you increase your motivation and activity levels.

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It's Therese here, back

“It's Therese here, back again after 3 years off the 10,000 steps program, but here I am back on again. I'm not surprised to find out that I have put on that 7kgs that I took off 3 years ago! Oh well, at least it wasn't double that, and 10,000 steps will again become my internet 'reminder & encouraging' buddy as I need a lot of plodding to start with. It wasn't just my weight that I found needed shifting, it was my attitude. When I don't walk, I feel just plain gluggish and lousy; it's that simple. There has been a few major adversities during my last 3 years, but I'm not focusing on that anymore; rather I'm focusing on the rest of my life and I want so much to feel good again! They say it takes around 3 weeks to make a good habit, and I'm halfway there.... I'm encouraging all those who are depressed, anxious or have health problems, if you are able to walk at all, please do, you will lift your spirits as your weight drops. NEVER give up, there are so many friends you have yet to meet, and even though you can't see us, we are all walking together each day in spirit. xx”
Anonymous, Victoria, 20 Nov 2008

Gidday Everyone,-Obese and not

“Gidday Everyone, Obese and not enjoying myself as much as should, I am trying to work myself up to the 10,000 steps and also do a little extra in exercise bike and swimming on different and alternate days but I love to walk but I seem to get shin splits if I walk alot - any one got any ideas to help overcome this problem! Graeme”
Anonymous, New South Wales, 18 Nov 2008

Hi everyone, I joined

“Hi everyone, I joined the 10,000 step program recently and have found that unlike so many other fitness ventures I've been on, this one makes me wanna stick to it! It's so simple and the only person you feel you have to do better than is yourself. I've had a few good days so far going over 10,000 steps, and a couple of not so good days, but such is life. I'd like to tell a really inspirational story - that of my eldest brother. He is in his early 30s and ever since he was about 12 years old he has been a bit chubby. A few years ago he reached the point where his 5'10" frame was carrying in excess of 140kg and he knew he had to make some changes. With our father as a long suffering diabetic he knew what was awaiting him if he didn't take action, so he decided to shed some kilo's and save some money by walking to work. Now, 2 years later, he is under 100kg, walks almost everywhere and has new found self confidence. He's never joined a gym or gone to boot camp etc - he's just been walking and avoiding unhealthy foods. He is a true inspiration to me, my family and hopefully to many others out there. Deezie from Tassie”
Anonymous, Tasmania, 10 Nov 2008

Hi--This is Kerryn, (52y/o

“Hi This is Kerryn, (52y/o female) former athlete with a long history of knee injury, on which I had 3 recons & 12 arthros & in December 2005 a Total Knee Replacement. I had a really hard time in recovery leading to manipulation 12 weeks post surgery. Almost 3 years on I am feeling confident and getting back my skills of balance and losing my fear of tripping/falling. I have relocated to Perth for a better lifestyle & want to get fit again. I walk around 5000-7000 steps a day to and from train/work & at lunch times & I want to boost that to 10000 at least 5 days a week. KB ”
Anonymous, Western Australia, 10 Nov 2008

Damo, your story has

“Damo, your story has been inspirational. Your progress gave me so much motivation. I am now averaging over 10,000 steps a day, and I haven't felt this good for a very long time. You are a hero and you should be proud of yourself -EC”
Anonymous, Australian Capital Territory, 7 Nov 2008

Hi All, -I joined

“Hi All, I joined 10,000 steps mid last month and will get my first 200,000 steps today! First million here I come. I have had good and bad days, and you certainly notice the days that you have been lazy when at bedtime you look at your pedometer and you have only done 6,000 steps... but with going to gym I have been able to get my average up to 9,973 so I am nearly at 10,000 steps per day. I will have to start walking the dogs now the days are longer. For all you walkers in Brisbane, there is a 10km walk on next Friday, late afternoon starting at 5.30ish from Southbank Parklands, great way to end the week. It isn't free and you do need to register though, you can google 'Moonwalk', it is fundraising for MS. Kim”
Kim, Queensland, 7 Nov 2008

Hi Jo (and anyone

“Hi Jo (and anyone else interested!) In reply to your 28 Oct post, I also sit in front of a computer most of my work day - but I've got into the habit of rising with the birds and doing an early morning walk - a bonus also as the days get hotter in Queensland as summer roars towards us. I find I do my 10,000 steps in less than 90 mins - and go to work with an extra spring in my step as well :) Peter”
Peter, Outside Australia, 3 Nov 2008

To the 24 year

“To the 24 year old dog walker :) (you didn't leave a name:) ) One of the reasons joints will feel sore or clacky is that they are not properly hydrated. Make sure that you are drinking at LEAST 8, 8 oz glasses of water or juice (anything non-caffeinated and non-carbonated) to keep hydrated... Another thing that can help is good shoes... I had knee and back pain so bad it sent me to the doc and to physio therapy... bought myself a high end pair of shoes (about 85$ US) and it cleared it up... Also... google "stretches"... find a few good stretches and make sure you stretch for 5-7 mins before AND after your workout... If they still feel bad after making these simple changes... there are some vitamins and minerals that can help with joint pain... your doc could also do a few tests to make sure it isn't something more bothersome :) Jenn ”
Jenn, Australian Capital Territory, 2 Nov 2008

I've been recording my

“I've been recording my daily steps since the 9th of January this year and I'm coming up to 4 million steps in November. It's a really motivating thing to do and sure increases your fitness. First thing each morning I clip on my pedometer and last thing each night,I enter the results. Keep on stepping everyone, this program is great, free and self motivating. Cheers, Jenette”
Anonymous, Western Australia, 31 Oct 2008

Hi Everyone. I'm not

“Hi Everyone. I'm not exactly what you would call a 'slim' guy and after years of dieting, hypnotherapy and medical procedures I was getting nowhere with my weight loss. Recently my workplace entered the 10,000 Steps program and I decided to get a pedometer and join all the other walkers. I haven't been in the program all that long - but I have already lost 35 kilograms! I feel so alive and invigorated, and I am finally making some friends! I really consider the 10,000 Steps program to be one of the greatest achievements in my whole life. To be honest I haven't reached 10,000 steps in any one day yet - but I will get there! And the day I do I have decided to go but myself a big turkey sandwich as a reward. Good on all you guys who are in the 10,000 Steps program and come on all you others who haven't joined yet - what are you waiting for! Damo ”
Anonymous, New South Wales, 30 Oct 2008

I started the challenge

“I started the challenge 4 days ago and I am very excited by it. It is amazing how much extra activity it is encouraging me to do. While at work, I listen to the radio and do a little dance while I am working ( haha, discreetly :-)) I am finding excuses at home to do that extra bit of activity around the house, cleaning, dusting etc. My hubby thinks I have gone mad. My doggie thinks it is great though. My work mates and I compare all the time. It is such fun.”
Anonymous, Victoria, 30 Oct 2008

One thing that might

“One thing that might help if your joints ache from walking is to consider joining a gym with good quality equipment. The reason is that concrete footpaths have no "give" whereas good quality treadmills have impact absorbtion and cross trainers do not jar your joints. Just don't turn up the level of difficulty too high or you can end up with the same problem. For me the pedometer works fine on the cross trainer and if i decide to increase my speed to vigorous then that time counts for extra steps. Good luck, George.”
Anonymous, Victoria, 28 Oct 2008

Hi, everyone. I just

“Hi, everyone. I just found this website last weekend, and I have been wearing a pedometer for the last few days, just to record my baseline steps. My baseline is 6,603. My goal is to get to 10,000 steps per day by next weekend. It is quite difficult as I work at a sedentary job, in front of a computer all day. But it is a challenge. This is a great website, and it's fun to read other folks' stories because they keep me challenged as well. Cheers! Jo”
Anonymous, Outside Australia, 26 Oct 2008

Hi everyone, Just starting

“Hi everyone, Just starting up on this health challenge. I have a ways to go. But it's all good. And better late than never. Hoping to be lighter in body and spirit. Time to go grab a dog and walk. Cheers and good luck everyone. Barbara, 53, Northern N.S.W.”
Anonymous, New South Wales, 25 Oct 2008

Hi there fellow 10,000

“Hi there fellow 10,000 Steppers, It was great to read of your journeys to success with the programme. A lot of you sound just like me - struggling somedays to reach your goal and others, pleasantly surprising at the end of the day. I am 61 years old and have been out of action for almost 4 years after a hip replacement. Should have been a simple recovery but complications set me back. The 10,000 Steps program, when introduced to me by my rehabilitation case officer, seemed a daunting task as I had gained "kgs by the tonne" and was soooo unfit! But bit by bit and step by step the journey is now becoming a delight. Today I did something I haven't done for over 4 years. I ran (albeit slowly) to the end of the driveway, and I felt as if I had wings on my heels!!! What next -- The Olympics! Thankyou to my wonderful Sonya and Nicole for all the inspiration and thankyou Lord for your strength and determination. Kay, Qld. ”
Anonymous, Queensland, 23 Oct 2008

Hi All-I bought myself

“Hi All I bought myself another Pedometer a few weeks ago in a bid to try and lose weight. I make sure I walk in excess of 10,000 every day even when I don't feel like it and find that I can achieve that quite easily and often clock up to 16,000. Yesterday I decided to join up with this program and become a coordinater in my workplace and encourage others to join the challenge. If you are struggling to reach 10,000 steps per day, take time to do a 30 minute walk every day and you'll clock up half your steps just with that alone, Good Luck with the challange, Best wishes, Rowena”
Rowena, Queensland, 22 Oct 2008

Hi everyone, --I

“Hi everyone, I am in my challenge at the moment, the Great Wall of China. It is great - I am in a team with my friends from school and we are winning so far. We have reached the first two stops, so we have received our post cards, which you might know of, and I read these everyday. ”
Anonymous, Queensland, 20 Oct 2008

Hi there I heard a

“Hi there:-) I heard a song on the radio the other day & its been in my head ever since. Its now my stepping inspiration song! Its 'Step by Step' by Whitney Houston. Here's the words & you'll see what I mean. "Well there's a bridge & there's a river that I still must cross. As im going on my journey, I might be lost. And there's a road I have to follow, a place I have to go. Well no one told me just how to get there But when I get there I'll know, cause I'm taking it.. Step by step, bit by bit stone by stone brick by brick step by step day by day mile by mile And this old road is rough & ruined, so many dangers along the way, so many burdens might fall upon me, so many troubles I have to face. But I wont let my spirit fail me, I wont let my spirit go until I get to my destination I'm gonna take it slowly cause I'm making it mine. Dont give up, you got to hold onto what you got dont give up, you got to keep on moving dont stop I know your hurting & I know your blue I know your hurting but dont let the bad things get to you. I'm taking it step by step bit by bit stone by stone brick by brick step by step day by day mile by mile,go your own way!" Cheers,Di:-)”
Anonymous, New South Wales, 18 Oct 2008

Hi--I have been walking

“Hi I have been walking with the pedometer for about a month now and am averaging 9,973 steps a day but I am starting to feel that my joints are aching and clacking. Walking is the only exercise I am currently doing. Does any one have any tips for me? I'm 24 and I walk with 2 dogs.”
Anonymous, Victoria, 16 Oct 2008

Hi All,--Thanks to '10,000

“Hi All, Thanks to '10,000 Steps' for being such a fun & inspirational site. Having a pedometer on every day has really helped me to be aware of how much I move my body each day and it's been great to see my steps adding up. The one thing im missing is a walking buddy. I have tried with a few family members but it hasn't really worked out so I'm hoping someone out there would be interested in buddying up. I think having a buddy or buddies would inspire me more and help keep me motivated. If your interested send me an email Thanks, Dianne:-)”
Anonymous, New South Wales, 14 Oct 2008

Good for you, Cheryl

“Good for you, Cheryl from Canada - you'll do it! Nearly a year of inactivity due to illness caused me to put on 19kgs. In April this year I had heart surgery and was able to start walking very slowly for 10 mins about 8 weeks ago. I now go every morning as the sun's rising and either delight in the birdsong or listen to my iPod & am averaging 10,726 steps per day & am coming 3rd in the 51-75 age group. I'm chuffed! Thank you,Lord Thank you, great friends Thank you, 10,000 steps website for motivation! Good luck all, Frankie Bowe ”
Anonymous, New South Wales, 13 Oct 2008

The idea of 10,000

“The idea of 10,000 steps is a great one, and the best part is that it is not just for 5 minutes. Most people take walking for granted, I was hit by a car in 1981 and walking is not as easy as it used to be, however it is still the simplest way to keep active. Keeping track of the steps motivates me to visit the printer and leave my desk much more often than before. Dave. (Customs)”
Anonymous, Victoria, 10 Oct 2008

Hello. I'm Cheryl from

“Hello. I'm Cheryl from Canberra. I read about 10,000 steps in a magazine about a week ago so I bought myself a pedometer and now hope to become much fitter. I'm retired so do have the time to go walking, and need to lose about 10 kg (at least!)but I'm very lazy. I managed to walk over 10,000 steps one day, but have been short of that mark on other days. However, the pedometer's certainly motivated me to "get moving" and that's a good start. It's great checking the pedometer throughout the day to see where I'm up to. I'm sure if I'm consistent, I'll eventually increase the distance. Perhaps I need a walking other walkers feel that helps very much? Good luck to everyone, and thanks to 10,000 steps! ”
Anonymous, Australian Capital Territory, 6 Oct 2008

I joined the program

“I joined the program via a 4 week challenge at work in July 2008. Up to this point I calculated that I was doing an average of 3 to 4, 000 steps a day . After a slow start I started walking for 30 minutes at lunch time and taking my dog for a 45 minutes walk at night. I was able to reach a daily average of 10,900 during this challenge. I felt the benefits in that short time and asked management to provide an incentive (I offered to contribute to this personally) to those staff who continued to record their daily steps, as I was sure that a few hundred pedometers (50% subsidised by the company) would never see the light of day again unless staff had some sort of incentive to continue with the good work they started. This was not forthcoming (although we may do another work challenge in 6 months time) so I offered the members of my team a personal incentive to join me on my next goal of 1,000,000 steps - to be eligible they have to record their steps within 150 days. This attempt to help motivate my team was also disappointing. Not to be deterred, I am hoping that I can use the progress that I make between now and the next work challenge to motivate more staff to continue the good work they start by joining the next challenge. My initial personal goal was to reach 1,000,000 steps in 100 days , but after 50 days I revised this to “around the 1,000,000 steps in 80 days”. I made it in 76 days and in the process increased my daily average to 13,164. I have also lost almost 8kgs in the process (in under 3 months) which is another benefit of being more active. My next goal (apart from the monthly challenges) is a bit ambitious, for me, at 5,000,000 steps in 1 year. For the remainder of the period I will have to average 13,873 (current average is 13,142). This may be hard to keep up over summer, as it is already starting to get hot and humid – especially at lunch time. I am already taking a later lunch break to avoid the heat but may have to swap this walk for an early morning bike ride as summer approaches. I also don’t think the local shopping centre would appreciate me walking my dog for an hour or so at night, through their centre, in an attempt to stay cool. I do carry a lot of water for my dog and I. Any suggestions regarding changing activities during the various seasons, would be appreciated, short of wearing an ice vest in summer - which wouldn’t be high in the fashion stakes Finally, I would like to thank the team that looks after the 10000 step website, as it a wonderful resource, easy to navigate and the monthly challenges (in the short time since I joined the program) help to keep me motivated. I wish everyone all the best for reaching their individual goals, Paul ”
Anonymous, Queensland, 6 Oct 2008

Hi Cheryl from Canberra.

“Hi Cheryl from Canberra. Good on you for taking on the challenge. I have found that walking with a friend makes the time seem to go faster or invest in a walkman/ipod to enjoy your favourite music while you step it out. Try walking twice a day for shorter periods rather than one long walk. Whatever helps you get on track and shed those kilos along the way. Cheers Katrina”
Anonymous, Queensland, 6 Oct 2008

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