Member Stories

By reading other's stories you may find a tip or inspirational tale that will help you increase your motivation and activity levels.

Latest Stories Share Your Story

QHSC - Guardians of Facilities

“Thank you to the many varied participants, especially our QHSC HHS Team. We have gotten through some challenges! Our Team Captain fractured their shoulder, 3 other team members had leave, and some were on overseas trips for 4-6 weeks. All at the beginning of the event!We enjoyed this health challenge and had fun competing against other HHS teams in-house. Here we are ready for the next challenge! I would encourage everyone to have a go, it’s a very simple Dashboard to log on and enter details on a daily basis.Let’s go next time and beat our record!”
Anonymous, Queensland, 3 Jun 2024

Thank you 10,000 Steps

“My journey with 10,000 steps originally started in 2007. I was concerned about my general health, and I felt I needed goals to aim towards – both in steps per day, and challenges offered. Through cancer and knee injury challenges to 2018, I clocked up 72 million steps. In part, I dropped out for a few years, related to 2 further and different cancer challenges. Once settled, I rejoined 10,000 steps, and it remains my baseline daily step count mindset – I’m currently averaging just over 25,000 steps a day. Combined with a variety of other exercise and nutrition related programs, at 65, I am the healthiest I’ve been in many years, if not my life. Over the years, I’ve loved seeing the people from around Australia and the world who have been and are involved and engaged in a program promoting a healthy lifestyle. I’m also somewhat competitive, so enjoy the monthly challenges. I am appreciative of the role 10,000 steps program has and does play in me living a healthier and healthy life. Thanks to it originating so many years ago, and still going strong.”
Arthur, Queensland, 10 May 2024

Lose weight or take the risk of having life-long illness!

“I was athletic and played many sports in my younger years. As I grow older and became too comfortable in life, I lost focus on my health, gained weight, and became a lazy bum. In 2021, it hit me hard when my GP told me, you have stage 2 hypertension. My blood pressure was so high when he checked me in his clinic, he asked me if I feel anything unusual at the time, and if I do, he’d call an ambulance as it was a medical emergency. I immediately thought about my family, asked myself why I let this thing happen… I need to act now! I worked with my GP and dietician to develop a program for me to lose weight and improve my health. This includes a well-balanced diet and walking and running… lots of it. Fast forward 2023, my blood pressure is back to normal level, and also lost 21 kilos – had to refresh my wardrobe from size Extra Large to Small… Aim for 10,000 steps or more each day, it will help you in your (weight loss) journey!”
Anonymous, Victoria, 25 Oct 2023

Feedback from Dennis

“Love the website and the challenges. Even though I am 74 years old I like walking and taking on the challenges. I have also completed 222 parkruns. Thanks again!”
Dennis, South Australia, 24 Oct 2023

Stepping right along...

“Todays the day I clocked up over 77 million steps on :) Ive been with you since you started in 2001, so thats roughly 350,000,000 steps annually. As Im now 85, by a conservative extrapolation, I may have walked 13,000,000,000 steps as an adult before 2001, resulting in a grand total of 13,770,000,000 steps. Am I chuffed?! :) - Peter Hallinan”
Peter, Outside Australia, 18 Sep 2023

A poem - 10, 000 steps

“10 000 steps, I walk in a sprightly dance, 10 000 steps, so quick, like a glance. 10 000 steps, I walk for my general wellbeing, 10 000 steps, the results are worth believing. 10000 steps, mesmerise me like a trance, 10 000 steps,... my new romance.”
Andrew, Queensland, 24 Aug 2023

Scott's Journey

“Its amazing what a little exercise can do to your thought process. Two years ago my workplace did a 10,000 Steps challenge just as COVID lockdown hit, and now I am living on the 10,000 Steps website for the next challenge. I am having so much fun and I am forever looking for walking challenges, events and more around this beautiful country of mine - New Zealand. Thanks to 10,000 Steps I no longer live in front of the television!”
Scott, Outside Australia, 30 Jan 2023

Kate L, Naracoorte Lucindale Council in SA

“The 10,000 Steps Challenges for me have been a motivation- transformation- for my fitness levels. Along with me, my daughter Alice is nearly 6 months old , and we are both exercising together getting stronger everyday. Not only keeping fit, but also losing a few pounds up to Christmas. It has really been enjoyable and rewarding for the both of us. We have been enjoying creek walks and the fresh air and sunshine. Thank you to the 10,000 Steps Challenges for the extra motivation, these have helped us stay above 10,000 steps a day!”
Kate, South Australia, 7 Dec 2022

Dandy Sisters

“It has been such an interesting exercise and created so much enthusiasm, competition and unity in the team of five members. We learned such creative ways of being active and getting our bodies moving, enjoying places we had not ventured into previously and having fun. Now I find I am making sure my mobile phone is on my person, every time I am ready to move. Thank you to my team for being such sports and for surprising me with your performance. Well done! I guess we will have to do it again.”
Anonymous, Victoria, 7 Nov 2022

Ready to Change

“I am 52 and struggle to get out of bed some days due to the OA in both knees. 25 years as an Army Medic will do that to you. I started off with getting moving by trying to do my Fitbit active hours. Set at 10 hours a day I found that I was hitting 8,000 steps without really trying. With that I thought I would go the bit extra and challenge myself to the 10,000 a day. Then I found this app. Doing the challenges is making me move more, and along with the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet, I am now down 8.6kg. I will be getting a bilateral knee replacement (courtesy of DVA) end of January. I might then be able to get to 20,000 a day. :)”
Fiona, Victoria, 24 Oct 2022

Change of pace

“As a kid in the 80s we walked a lot and being in the country played sport and rode our bikes. As a young teenager I discovered Arnold Schwarzenegger and the rest of the mid-80s body building royalty, so that began my path of lifting weights. Fast forward 30 plus years, I never did jump on stage in a little pair of trunks. But what I did discover along the way, was a passion for strength and later jumping on the platform and competing in powerlifting. Now at 51yo after years of injury and illness, Ive decided to hang up my squat shoes and lifting suit to begin my new journey of general fitness by getting back into walking, cycling and life style gym sessions to get me through the next exciting phase of life. Currently recovering from and rehabbing, both knee and shoulder replacement surgeries, lightly walking some picturesque trails readjusting my mind set.”
Mark, South Australia, 10 Oct 2022

Feeling healthy and looking good

“I weighed 96kgs, was always tired and felt terrible. I decided it was time to do something about it and I started eating healthy and walking at least 10,000 steps a day now I am 56kgs feeling healthy and happy and have a lot more energy. I walk to assist with my weight control and I also find the walk helps with my mental health and will continue to do this even when the weather is not so nice. Anyone trying to lose weight or destress their life - try not to give up, it will work, you stay positive. South Australia”
Anonymous, South Australia, 10 Oct 2022

A passion for walking

“As kids back in time, we had to walk at least 5kms to reach bus stop to going to school twice a day, with a load of at least 20 books in the school bag. Then fast forward to 1999 in New Zealand - I started my first job as door to door salesman and walked almost every suburb from Warkworth to Bombay hills from 12noon to 7pm. Now walking has become a passion. With challenges like these, every step is a motivating factor to add to the daily numbers and gives a fierce sense of competition. It is also a healthy habit and is a talking point with the colleagues on a daily basis. I have done Auckland Marathon from 2006 to 2019. Shall resume the same from next year to celebrate my eligibility for the Super gold card at 65 years and also to celebrate my 25 years in New Zealand.”
Vadrevu, Outside Australia, 20 Sep 2022

Time to turn the clock back 10 years

“10 years ago I was 85kg, and dieted and exercised to look good, losing weight to 70kg for my best friend's wedding. Add in Covid-19, working from home, no exercise, and stress that caused me to emotionally eat. I was gaining weight and this created health issues. Reality hit when I tipped the scales at 90kg, yep 20kg, the biggest I had ever been. I didn't like the figure in the mirror. This past 2 months I have changed jobs and moved to Katherine, NT. I started cutting down my eating- removing soft drink, bread and fast food, cutting down proportion sizes. Then I started swimming daily as it was the only way I could exercise initially for 2 weeks. Determined, 8 weeks later I was walking and moving, walking stairs daily. I am taking the 10,000 steps challenge very seriously. I can actually jog, after losing 8 kilos in 8 weeks. Now I've started there's no time to stop! Motivated to be part of a team tournament at work, this will keep me further disciplined. I am already feeling benefits to my health and my ability to keep moving has greatly increased. At 54 I plan to reach a goal of 75kg. If I can get back to 70kg I will have turned the clock back 10 years! ”
Michelle, Northern Territory, 3 May 2022

Press Reset on Life, Health and Wellbeing

“I have had my struggles with health issues over the 13 years and one of my greatest achievements was to lose 132kg. I am happy to announce that I am now at 75kg. I would say I have 9 lives and am still trying hard to get things right. That's why my heading is called "Press Reset on Life, Health and Wellbeing"! Every morning I wake up at 4:30am; my day finishes at 10:30pm. I am running around getting most things done before the middle afternoon. For me, to maintain my weight and fitness is to keep moving, keep up with my dietician appointments, and eat healthy. Walking my two dogs, and taking my rabbits out across the park on leads. Has anyone tried keeping up with rabbits? It's quite the challenge. As I work two jobs, 7 days a week, I am on my feet all day. I try not to sit, only when I am driving places. When I am not working in the mornings, I have heaps of appointments, too many to mention. I will park 5km away, and walk there and back to my car. Accidental exercise is also great as housework and shopping requires leg work, lifting, and bending all the time. Where I live and work are located in perfect places to walk, and to soak up the atmosphere around me. This is known as my time to reflect on what lays ahead of me. This is just a snapshot of what I do. Happy walking and keep smiling!”
Surbhi, Victoria, 29 Mar 2022

I am tired... I am unwell... so decided to do something about it...!

“I used to weigh 55kg and now 70kg due to working from home nearly 2 years as a result of COVID lock down. Now I have moved from Melbourne to WA and working in a office where I have to walk 7 minutes in the morning to the train and back home. I decided to walk every day near my house after work around the lake 6000 steps (5 laps) and will be gradually increase to 10,000 steps. At work I am in 6th floor and steps 200. I have done this changes in my life and already feeling much better. This is only a starting step and have to go a long way to be able to be healthy and happy again. I cannot eat anything my stomach is bloated and very sick due to less exercises and the digestive issues, I have been to the doctor and taken all the medical advice and doing my bit to support my self to be happy again. If you think you can do anything, no one can stop you... but you need to have a strong determination to carry on what you have decided to do to achieve your goal, the satisfaction is unlimited. I wish you all to succeed in your dreams!”
Anonymous, Western Australia, 13 Mar 2022

Who is that in that picture? No that can’t be me!

“In September 2019 I looked at a picture of my beautiful daughter's wedding and was shocked at what I looked like. I wore size 44 pants and XXXXL shirt size, weighed 115kg and had four chins. At that moment I changed my mind-set. I began walking a little each day and counting my calories everyday. I started using the 10,000 Steps app at the beginning of 2021 in January and set a goal of 7 million steps by the end of 2021. I broke down each day what I needed to accomplish. I accomplished the goal and went further and finally finished with 7,504,499. I now weigh 84kg. I wear size 32 pants and large shirts, and blood pressure is perfect for a 60 year old and resting pulse is down to 54.”
David, Queensland, 6 Jan 2022

Randall's Story

“City boy here during work week - rural country boy on weekends in the Kaipara. I do not have a car - mostly walk and use public transport. My husband has an eco-friendly ute on the farm. Walking is the spice and secret of my physical health! Walk the world with 10,000 Steps!”
Anonymous, Outside Australia, 30 Nov 2021

Kick up the bum I needed!

“I love walking and this challenge is just what I have needed to get started again. Needed some motivation after winter and COVID. Hoping at 57 I can still get my fitness up again to do fun runs again in the future. Thanks 10000 steps.”
Dianne, Victoria, 2 Nov 2021

Stepped up for Down Syndrome Queensland and found a new and enjoyable daily activity

“For 21 days in October I raised some funds for Down Syndrome Queensland by taking on 10,000 steps each day and achieved a total of 242,600 steps. But this is not the end. Thanks to 10000Steps and DSQ I have found a new daily routine to relive the boredom and improve my health while isolated and in partial lockdown in Dhaka Bangladesh. Borders are opening up slowly, flights are coming back on, maybe I will get home by Christmas, but that appears unlikely. I am really enjoying my new found past time, pity I cant walk home.”
Allen, Outside Australia, 25 Oct 2021

Vadrevu Purushottam

“The timing of this challenge has been perfect. Since we are in lockdown, indefinitely so far in Auckland i could dedicate at least 3 hrs of brisk and slow walking apart from all the routine chores in the house. I would like to know details about any ongoing oneds in the future after the end of current challenge on October 17th .”
Vadrevu, Outside Australia, 12 Oct 2021

The Challenge is small but the steps are great

“I started the 10000 step challenge with a goal of 5000 steps per day after double knee replacement. On average I am at 2995 steps per day making the 5000 steps at least once a week and sometimes twice. I know it isn't anywhere near the 10000 steps but every bit helps and I just wanted people to know that the challenge may be small but the steps are great, so don't let 10000 steps put you off just set your own benchmark and when you make it move the benchmark.... Julie”
Anonymous, South Australia, 11 Oct 2021

My poor little trotters

“Day 1 - Goal per day: 7,000 steps, walked to work from train 1,951, lunchtime walk around the river 4,843 (longer than I intended and in heels!), back to train after work, another 1,995, warm out leave your coat at work she said to herself. Total = 8,789 goal achieved high five me. On the train...hang on where are my car keys (in my coat at work), another 4,175 back to my house... in heels with not much path! My poor little trotters were humming. But in myself I felt a huge sense of achievement and happiness that I can do all that... IN HEELS, did I mention that already ;-).”
Adelaide, South Australia, 11 Oct 2021

Walking with my great mate!

“Counting steps is easy when you are outside walking in the fresh air and sunshine with your best 'dog' friend. There is something truly very relaxing about walking in the outdoors (especially on the Northern Beaches), with your Dogga! Love my little guy and proud of my STEPtember walking achievement. :)”
Anonymous, New South Wales, 1 Oct 2021

Walking for better health

“Joined the 10000 step challenge in October 2020 and throughout the year come rain, hail or sunshine, I still continued to challenge myself. I Received the badge for the 4 million steps milestone and am aiming high for the next achievement :)”
amanda, South Australia, 24 Sep 2021

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