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Pages filtered by tag Physical-Activity.

Australia’s Physical Activity & Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines for Young People (13-17 Years)

By 10,000 Steps Team | 16 Mar 2016

As young people move through school, start work and become more independent, being physically active and limiting sedentary behaviour every day is not always easy, but it is possible and it is important. These guidelines are for all young people, irrespective of cultural background, gender or ability.

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Australia’s Physical Activity & Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines for Children (5-12 Years)

By 10,000 Steps Team | 16 Mar 2016

Being physically active is good for kids’ health, and creates opportunities for making new friends and developing physical and social skills. These Guidelines are for all children aged 5-12 years who have started school, irrespective of cultural background, gender or ability.

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